Select a paint brush

The brush operation you select defines whether you are going to apply paint to the texture, or whether you are going to erase or clone paint already applied to the surface.

To select an Artisan brush to Paint, Erase, or Clone

  1. In the 3D Paint Tool settings panel, in the Paint Operations section, set Artisan: to Paint, Erase, or Clone.

    Maya LT automatically selects the brush profile selected when you last used the Artisan Paint brush. (If the last profile was a custom brush, the operation remembers only that it was a custom brush, not which custom brush. If the custom brush was changed for either the Erase or Clone operations, it changes for the Paint operation and for any other operation with the custom brush profile selected.)

  2. If you want to use a different brush profile, click the profile shape beside Artisan in the Brush section, or click Browse to select a custom profile. When you select one of the custom profiles provided with Maya LT, the Last Image File icon changes to show which image you selected. Also in the Brush section, you can use the Rotate To Stroke option to change the orientation of brush profiles that are not uniformly round. This option is not available for the Clone operation.
  3. If you selected Erase or Clone skip to step #5.
  4. In the Color section, select a Color. If you are painting Single Channel (grayscale) attributes such as bump, or diffuse, the color you paint is automatically converted to grayscale.
  5. Select an Opacity, if necessary.
  6. In the Paint Operations section, select a Blend Mode, if necessary.
  7. In the Brush section, modify the brush Radius (U) (Artisan), if necessary.
  8. If the surface is very convoluted, you may prefer to turn Screen Projection on.