Lock smooth skin weights

When editing or painting weights of smooth skin objects, you sometimes want to ensure that the weights of certain objects won’t change. For example, if you’ve perfected the weighting of a particular object, you don't want the weights to change due to normalization.

When locked, Maya keeps those weights at their current values as you modify the weights of other influence objects.

To lock weights using the Paint Skin Weights Tool

  1. In the Paint Skin Weights Tool, do any of the following:
    • Click the Lock icon next to an influence.
    • Ctrl-click to select multiple influences, then -click and select Lock Selected.
    • Select only the influences you want to keep unlocked, click to invert the selection, then -click and select Lock Selected.
    Note: If you lock the weights of many objects at the same time, Maya may be unable to normalize the rest of the weights properly, which can result in an error message. In general, avoid locking the weights of many objects at the same time. Typically, you want to lock the weights of only one or two objects.

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