Menus and menu sets

There are seven menus always available in Maya LT: File, Edit, Create, Select, Modify, Display and Windows.

All other menus change depending on the menu set you select: Modeling, Rigging, Animation, and Shading. Each menu set is designed to support a particular workflow.

You select the menu set you want to work with from the drop-down list in the Status bar.

To switch between menu sets, use the drop-down menu in the Status Line, or use hotkeys. The default hotkeys are:

You can create custom menu sets that contain your choice of menu items - see Custom menu sets.

Note: To toggle the display of the menu bar, press Ctrl+M. With no menu bar visible, you can still use the Hotbox to choose commands.

Tear-off menus

You can display menus as separate windows. This is helpful when you use a menu repeatedly. Pull down the menu and click the tear-off line at the top. Tear-off menus always display on top.

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