Maya LT now supports powerful connectivity with the new Autodesk Stingray game engine, letting you streamline your 3D asset creation pipeline. Several key workflows let you iterate on your designs and make it easy to see how assets appear in the context of a game.
When you install the DCC link plug-in (found in your Stingray install directory), the following features are available in Maya LT:
See Enable Stingray and PhysX plug-ins for Maya LT, Send assets to Stingray, Send materials to Stingray and Connect Maya LT and Stingray viewports.
Even without installing the DCC link plug-in, any materials created with the Stingray physically-based nodes in ShaderFX are preserved whether loaded in Maya LT or Stingray. This means you only need to create materials one time, and your materials created in one tool look the same in the other. If you do send objects from Maya LT to Stingray using the plug-in, your materials are also exported by default.
The Stingray Tonemap, part of the Color Management system in Maya LT, further ensures the visual parity of 3D assets between Maya LT and Stingray. See Choose the default View Transform and Preview color-managed scenes for more information.
Also available with your Stingray install is the NVIDIA PhysX plug-in for Maya LT, which adds tools for creating PhysX ragdolls, rigid bodies, and constraints. For information on installing the plug-in for PhysX, see Enable Stingray and PhysX plug-ins for Maya LT.