To create piping components

Create a component. Specify the piping component class and other fixed properties of the new component. Specify component geometry and set an initial size range for the part. Add the part to a catalog. Select the part in the catalog browser.

To create a piping component

  1. In the Catalog Editor tab, click Create New Component.
  2. In the Create New Component dialog, click Plant 3D Parametric Graphics.
  3. In Basic Part Family Information, click a component category (for example: Fittings).
  4. Click a Piping Component type (for example: Elbow).

    The piping component type is the Plant 3D class.

  5. Enter a Short Description (for example: ELL 90, SEGMENTED).
  6. Click a Primary End Type (for example: BV). You can also enter a value if the Primary End Type is not in the catalog.

To set new component geometry

    (continued from To create a piping component)

  1. In Graphics, click the right arrow to view component images.
  2. Click a component image (for example: Mitered Bend).

To add a new component to a catalog

    (continued from To set new component geometry)

  1. In Size From, specify an initial size range. For Example, 4” to 12”.

    Sizes can be added and removed after the part is added to the catalog.

  2. Click Create.

    The component is added to the catalog editor.