Install the Content Center

Content Center is comprised of default libraries containing thousands of standard screws, bolts, nuts, washers, pins, and more, that can be inserted in assemblies. The Content Center can be installed with the Autodesk Inventor products.

Content Type


ANSI Standard Content

ANSI Fasteners, Shaft parts, Steel shapes, more

DIN Standard Content

DIN Fasteners, Shaft parts, Steel shapes, more

GOST Standard Content

GOST Fasteners, Shaft parts, Steel shapes, more

ISO Standard Content

ISO Fasteners, Shaft parts, Steel shapes, more

JIS & GB Standard Content

Standard parts for JIS and GB - Fasteners, Shaft parts, Steel shapes, more

Feature Generators Standard Content

General features in metric and imperial units

Other Standard Content

Standard parts for AFNOR, AS, BSI, CNS, CSN, GOST, IS, KS, PN, SFS, SS, STN, and UNI

Parker Standard Content

Standard content supplied by Parker Hannifin for tube and pipe fittings (Autodesk Inventor Professional and Autodesk Inventor Routed Systems only)

Routed Systems Standard Content

Standard content for Cable & Harness and Tube & Pipe parts (Autodesk Inventor Professional and Autodesk Inventor Routed Systems only)

Sheet Metal Standard Content

Standard content for Sheet Metal parts

Mold Metric Standard Content

Standard content for Mold Metric parts

Mold Imperial Standard Content

Standard content for Mold Imperial parts

Installation of Inventor Content Center

Before you install, determine whether Desktop Content or Autodesk Vault Server best suits your needs.

Install Desktop Content (Content Center libraries for a single computer)

Install missing Content Center libraries

Autodesk Vault Server (Content Center libraries for a shared network environment)

Note: You can use desktop content libraries from a network share. However, you cannot install desktop content to a network share from the install media. To achieve this network configuration, first install the Desktop content locally and then copy the content to a shared network location. In Application Options, Content Center tab Access Options, change the location of the libraries to the location that you copied the library files (.idcl) to.
Important: This type of shared environment does not provide the security control that is available from managing the libraries on the Vault server.
Note: You can use Inventor 2015 and 2016 Content Center libraries in Inventor 2017 only after you migrate them. For more details, see Configuring Autodesk Inventor 2017 located on the Installation Help page on the Autodesk Inventor media.

Refer to Content Center Libraries for more information.