EPoly エッジ選択から、未接続のエッジ選択を作成する方法はありますか。

MAXScript FAQに関する質問と回答 > 編集可能ポリゴンの操作 > EPoly エッジ選択から、未接続のエッジ選択を作成する方法はありますか。


エッジ選択にフィルタ処理を行って、「エッジ選択要素」のような、接続されたエッジを含む配列を作成したいと考えています。2 つの配列のエッジは決して接続されません。 つまり、頂点を共有しません。





次の関数は、MAXScript コードに擬似コードを実装します。


fn getEPolyUnconnectedEdgesSelections thePoly =
--get the edge selection
mainSelection = (polyOp.getEdgeSelection thePoly) as array
--init. an array to collect sub-arrays with selections "elements"
unconnectedSelections = #()
--repeat until the main selection array is empty
while mainSelection.count > 0 do
--append a new empty sub-array:
append unconnectedSelections #()
--remember the current sub-array's index:
currentSelCount = unconnectedSelections.count
--append the first edge from the main selectionarray to the sub-array:
append unconnectedSelections[currentSelCount] mainSelection[1]
--and remove the first edge from the main selectionarray:
deleteItem mainSelection 1
--initialize a counter:
cnt = 0
--while the counter is less than the edges in the sub-array
while cnt < unconnectedSelections[currentSelCount].count do
 cnt += 1--increase the counter by 1
 --get the vertices of the current edge in the current sub-array:
 currentEdgeVerts = (polyOp.GetVertsUsingEdge thePoly  unconnectedSelections[currentSelCount][cnt]) as array
 neigborEdges = #()--init. an array to collect neighbor
 --for every vertex in the current edge,
 for v in currentEdgeVerts do
 --add the edges used by the vertex to the neighbors array
  join neigborEdges ((polyOp.GetEdgesUsingVert thePoly v) as array)
 --for each neighbor edge,
 for edge in neigborEdges do
  --see if the edge is in the main selection array
  checkInSelection = findItem mainSelection edge
  --if it is,
  if checkInSelection > 0 do
   --delete the edge from the main array
   deleteItem mainSelection checkInSelection
   --and add it to the current sub-array
   append unconnectedSelections[currentSelCount] edge
  )--end if
 )--end for edge loop
)--end while cnt
)--end while mainSelection.count
--finally, return the array containing the sub-arrays of connected edges:
)--end fn

-- create box and mesh:
b = box()
convertTo b editable_poly
select b
getEPolyUnconnectedEdgesSelections $Box001--call the function
