指定したパーセンテージでジオメトリ オブジェクトをランダムに削除する方法はありますか。

MAXScript に関する質問と回答 > シーン ノードの操作 > 指定したパーセンテージでジオメトリ オブジェクトをランダムに削除する方法はありますか。






-- Collect the object of a certain type into an array, for example
-- this one collects all geometry objects, excluding the target objects
-- which are of Geometry superClass for pre-MAXScript historical reasons
candidatesArray = for o in Geometry where classof o != TargetObject collect o
-- Because you want to remove random objects, but a specified percentage,
-- it is a good idea to make the decision which objects will be deleted
-- BEFORE actually deleting any objects.
-- You can create a second array and fill it up with the actual
-- objects to be deleted:
deathRowArray = #() -- init. an empty array
thePercentage = 50.0 -- define the percentage
-- Calculate the number of objects to delete:
numberToDelete = (thePercentage / 100.0 * candidatesArray.count) as integer
-- Loop until the deathRow array is filled
-- with the desired number of objects:
while deathRowArray.count < numberToDelete do
  newIndex = random 1 candidatesArray.count --generate new random index
  --if not already chosen, add it to the deathrow array
  if findItem deathRowArray candidatesArray[newIndex] == 0 do
    append deathRowArray candidatesArray[newIndex]
delete deathRowArray --finally, delete the collected objects
