OpenMaya.MFnSet Class Reference
Function set for sets.
Method resolution order:
- MFnSet
- MFnDependencyNode
- MFnBase
- __builtin__.object
OpenMaya.MFnSet.__init__ |
( |
| ) |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
OpenMaya.MFnSet.addMember |
( |
| ) |
addMember( object ) -> self
Add a new object to the set.
The added object may be an MObject, an (MDagPath, MObject) tuple, or an MPlug.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.addMembers |
( |
| ) |
addMembers( MSelectionList ) -> self
Add a list of new objects to the set.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.annotation |
( |
| ) |
annotation() -> string
Returns the annotation string for this set. This allows a description of the set to be stored with it.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.clear |
( |
| ) |
clear() -> self
Removes all elements from this set.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.create |
( |
| ) |
create(members, restriction=kNone) -> MObject
Creates a new set dependency node and puts it in the dependency graph.
* members (MSelectionList) - list of members for new set
* restriction (MFnSet.Restriction) - restriction applied to members
OpenMaya.MFnSet.getIntersection |
( |
| ) |
getIntersection( otherSet ) -> MSelectionList
This method calculates the intersection of two sets. The result will be the intersection of this set and the set passed into the method.
* otherSet (MObject or MObjectArray or list of sets) - set(s) to find union of with this set
OpenMaya.MFnSet.getMembers |
( |
| ) |
getMembers( flatten ) -> MSelectionList
Get the members of this set as a selection list. This information is providedas a selection list so that all of the path information is retained forDAG nodes.
It is possible to ask for the returned list to be flattened. This means thatall sets that exist inside this set will be expanded into a list of theircontents.
* flatten (bool) - whether to flatten the returned list
OpenMaya.MFnSet.getUnion |
( |
| ) |
getUnion( otherSet ) -> MSelectionList
This method calculates the union of two sets. The result will be the union of this set and the set passed into the method.
* otherSet (MObject or MObjectArray or list of sets) - set(s) to find union of with this set
OpenMaya.MFnSet.hasRestrictions |
( |
| ) |
hasRestrictions() -> bool
Returns true if this function set has restrictions on the type of objects that it may contain.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.intersectsWith |
( |
| ) |
intersectsWith( otherSet ) -> self
Returns true if this set intersects with the given set. An intersection occurs if there are any common members between the two sets.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.isMember |
( |
| ) |
isMember( object ) -> bool
Returns true if the given object is a member of this set.
The object may be an MObject, an (MDagPath, MObject) tuple, or an MPlug.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.removeMember |
( |
| ) |
removeMember( object ) -> self
Remove an object from the set.
The removed object may be an MObject, an (MDagPath, MObject) tuple, or an MPlug.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.removeMembers |
( |
| ) |
removeMembers( MSelectionList ) -> self
Remove items of the selection list from the set.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.restriction |
( |
| ) |
restriction() -> MFnSet.Restriction
Returns the type of membership restriction that this set has.
OpenMaya.MFnSet.setAnnotation |
( |
| ) |
setAnnotation( annotation ) -> self
Sets the annotation string for this set. This allows a description of the set to be stored with it.