OpenMaya.MNamespace Class Reference
Access Maya namespace functionality.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.addNamespace |
( |
| ) |
static |
addNamespace(MString name, MString parent=None)
Create the namespace 'name'. If the `parent' namespace is given
the new namespace will be a child of `parent', otherwise the new
namespace will be a child of the current namespace.
The new namespace is added, but not made current. To make the
new namespace be current use MNamespace.setCurrentNamespace().
Note that adding a namespace changes the scene, so any code that calls
this method needs to handle undo.
name The new namespace to create. A qualified or unqualified
name may be used. If a qualified name is used and one or
more of the higher level namespaces do not already exist,
they will be created automatically. For example, if the new
name is 'a:b:c' and 'a' does not yet exist, then it will be
created automatically and 'b' automatically created beneath
it and finally 'c' will be created beneath 'b'.
If the supplied name contains invalid characters it will first
be modified as per the validateName() method.
parent The fully qualified name of the namespace under which
the new one is to be created. If not provided then the
current namespace will be used. If the name of the new
namespace is absolute (i.e. begins with a colon, ':a:b:c')
then the 'parent' parameter will be ignored and the new namespace
will be created under the root namespace.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.currentNamespace |
( |
| ) |
static |
currentNamespace() -> MString
Get the name of the current namespace. This name is returned
as an absolute namepath (i.e. fully qualfied from the root
namespace downwards, ':a:b:c').
OpenMaya.MNamespace.getNamespaceFromName |
( |
| ) |
static |
getNamespaceFromName(MString fullName) -> MString
Get namespace from a full name.
For example, given a full name: 'a:b:c:d:ball' this method
would return: 'a:b:c:d'.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.getNamespaceObjects |
( |
| ) |
static |
getNamespaceObjects(MString parentNamespace, bool recurse=False) -> MObjectArray
Return an array of MObjects representing the object contained within
the specified namespace. To query the current namespace, call this
method in this way:
OpenMaya.MNamespace.getNamespaces |
( |
| ) |
static |
getNamespaces(MString parentNamespace=None, bool recurse=False) -> [MString]
Return a list of all namespaces in the current namespace.
1) Names returned are always absolute (e.g. :a:b:sphere).
2) The list returned is just the child namespaces (and
descendents if `recurse' is true). It thus never contains
the root namespace in the list returned.
parentNamespace the namespace to query.
recurse optional parameter to control whether all
namespaces or just top-level namespaces
are returned. A value of false (the
default if unspecified) causes only the
top-level namespaces to be returned. If
true, all namespaces will be listed.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.makeNamepathAbsolute |
( |
| ) |
static |
makeNamepathAbsolute(MString fullName) -> MString
Make a namepath which is relative to the root into an absolute
namepath. For example, given the namepath 'a:sphere' this method
returns ':a:sphere'. It also culls out duplicate and trailing
separators, e.g. 'a:b::c:' will return ':a:b:c'.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.moveNamespace |
( |
| ) |
static |
moveNamespace(MString src, MString dst, bool force=False)
Move the contents of the namespace 'src' into the namespace 'dst'.
Note that moving namespace contents changes the scene, so any code
that calls this method needs to handle undo.
src source namespace from which objects will be moved.
dst destination namespace to which objects will be moved.
force optional parameter which if true forces the move
even if name clashes occur, in which case nodes are
renamed to ensure uniqueness. If false, the move
will not happen if there are clashes. The default
value is false.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.namespaceExists |
( |
| ) |
static |
namespaceExists(MString name) -> bool
Check if a given namespace exists.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.parentNamespace |
( |
| ) |
static |
parentNamespace() -> MString
Get the name of the current namespace's parent. This name is returned
as an absolute namepath (i.e. fully qualfied from the root namespace
downwards, ':a:b'). If the root namespace is
current, this method returns an error.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.relativeNames |
( |
| ) |
static |
relativeNames() -> bool
Query Maya's current 'relative name lookup' state. Relative name
lookup causes lookups to be relative to the current namespace.
By default, relative name lookup in Maya is off, which causes
name lookups to be relative to the root namespace. For example,
if you have the object :a:b:sphere, and the current namespace is
':a:b', in relative name lookup mode you can issue a command like
setAttr sphere.translateX 10;
If relative name lookup is off, you need to specify the full
namepath, e.g.
setAttr a:b:sphere.translateX 10;
OpenMaya.MNamespace.removeNamespace |
( |
| ) |
static |
removeNamespace(MString name, bool removeContents=False)
Remove the specified namespace.
Note that removing a namespace changes the scene, so any code
that calls this method needs to handle undo.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.renameNamespace |
( |
| ) |
static |
renameNamespace(MString oldName, MString newName, MString parent=None)
Rename the specified namespace to a new name with optional parent name.
Note that removing a namespace changes the scene, so any code
that calls this method needs to handle undo.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.rootNamespace |
( |
| ) |
static |
rootNamespace() -> MString
Get the name of the root namespace. This name is an absolute
namepath (i.e. prefixed by a ':').
OpenMaya.MNamespace.setCurrentNamespace |
( |
| ) |
static |
setCurrentNamespace(MString name) -> MString
Set the specified namespace to be the current namespace. The 'name'
parameter you specify is relative to whatever namespace is current,
but any namespace can be specified by passing an absolute name (e.g. :a:b:c).
Note that making a namespace current changes the scene, so any code
that calls this method needs to handle undo.
To make the root namespace become current, use:
OpenMaya.MNamespace.setRelativeNames |
( |
| ) |
static |
setRelativeNames(bool newState)
Set relative name lookup mode.
Note that turning on or off relativeNames mode can change the scene,
so any code that calls this method needs to handle undo.
See MNamespace.relativeNames() for details on relative name lookup.
Note: relative name lookup mode is intended for bracketing user
code which needs to be namespace-independent. Leaving relative
name lookup enabled outside of your specific code could cause
functionality such as 3rd-party plugins that assume absolute
name lookup to fail.
newState true to turn on relative name lookup, false to
turn it off. Maya's default setting is false.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.stripNamespaceFromName |
( |
| ) |
static |
stripNamespaceFromName(MString fullName) -> MString
Strips the namespace from a full name.
For example, given a full name: 'a:b:c:d:ball' this method
would return: 'ball'.
OpenMaya.MNamespace.validateName |
( |
| ) |
static |
validateName(MString name) -> MString
Convert the specified name to a validated name which
contains no illegal characters.
The leading illegal characters will be removed and
other illegal characters will be converted to '_'.
For example, name '@name@space@' will be converted to 'name_space_'.
If the entire name consists solely of illegal characters,
e.g. '123' which contains only leading digits, then the
returned string will be empty.