Explore and learn 3ds Max at your own pace.
These tutorials teach
3ds Max through a series of hands-on exercises. Prepare to be entertained and fascinated by the awesome power at your fingertips.
Note: These tutorials were created with a previous version of the software. Some images and functionality may differ from the current version.
Special thanks are due to a number of hardworking and talented individuals who helped create this volume of tutorials. A tip of the virtual hat to:
- All those customers and users who have allowed us to showcase their artwork, whether in the
User Showcase section or elsewhere in the help and tutorials.
- All those who have contributed models and methods used in these tutorials, including
aXYZ design (the
CMan model), Jean-Marc Belloncik (skinning), Mark Gerhard (Revolving Door and Set Key animation), and Amer Yassine (models, methods, and artwork too numerous to list). There are other contributors whose names aren’t available: We apologize for omitting them, and thank you for your help as well.