List of Options
The following options are displayed.
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- Address
- Specifies the location to find. You can specify a postal address, or the latitude and longitude values of a location. If you specify a partial postal address, search results typically contain multiple matching locations.
- Starts searching the online maps service using the criteria you specified in the Address box.
- Map
- Displays a map from an online maps service. You can use the navigation bar to zoom and pan. You can right-click a location to mark it.
Note: The map is unavailable when you are not signed in to Autodesk 360, or if the map server is not reachable.
- Road Style - Displays the map as a series of vector images of roads, buildings, and geography.
- Automatic Style - Automatically selects the best style depending on the zoom setting.
- Aerial Style - Overlays satellite images onto the map and highlights roads and major landmarks.
- Bird's Eye Style - Overlays images captured by low flying aircrafts on to the map. Unlike the aerial style, the bird's eye style images are captured at an angle of 45 degrees, to provide a better perception of depth. Where image captures are not available, the online maps service digitally manipulates the aerial style to provide an oblique appearance.
- Centers the map around the marker, and adjusts the zoom so that the area around is clearly visible.
- Use Maps - Displays the map, if you have opted not to display maps previously. This button is visible only if the map is not displayed.
- Latitude
- Displays the latitude of the marked location in the format specified by the GEOLATLONGFORMAT system variable . The valid range is -180 to +180. Positive values represent east longitudes. You can specify the latitude in this box only when the map is not visible.
Tip: You can specify the latitude and longitude of a location in the Address box.
- Longitude
- Displays the longitude of the marked location in the format specified by the GEOLATLONGFORMAT system variable. The valid range is -90 to +90. Positive values represent north latitudes. You can specify the longitude in this box only when the map is not visible.
Tip: You can specify the latitude and longitude of a location in the Address box.
- Elevation
- Displays the elevation of the marked location in meters. This parameter is optional.
Note: The elevation you specify here has no connection with the ELEVATION system variable. The ELEVATION system variable does not contain any geographic location information.
- Next
- Displays the next page. This button is not available if you have not specified a geographic location for the reference point.
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- GIS Coordinate System
- Specifies the GIS coordinate system that is referenced by the geographic locations in the drawing file.
- Time Zone
- Specifies the time zone of the location you marked on the map.
- Drawing Units
- Specifies the unit of measurement used to represent one drawing unit in the drawing. The program uses this information to scale objects that depend on geographic location information. For example, to scale a map in model space.
Note: The INSUNITS system variable also defines the linear measurement of a drawing unit. If you specify a drawing unit that conflicts with INSUNITS, the program displays a warning. However, it does not prevent you from specifying a conflicting value.