The settings of the program can be restored to their original installed values, this can be helpful when trying to resolve a problem with the program.
When resetting the program, the values stored in the Windows Registry along with the files in the Roaming and Local Root folders are removed. Upon the removal of the values and files, the secondary installer is started. The secondary installer adds the default values to the Windows Registry and copies files from the UserDataCache folder to the proper locations in the Roaming and Local root folders for the program.
The following Windows Registry entry is removed during the reset:
The following user folders are removed during the reset:
<drive>:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\<product name>\<release number>\<language>
<drive>:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\<product name>\<release number>\<language>
If you choose to back up your custom settings and files before resetting the program, all files in the Roaming and Local root folders are backed up with the following exceptions: