FBX C++ API Reference
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#include <fbxsdk.h>
#include "DisplayCommon.h"
void DisplayCamera(FbxCamera* pCamera, char* pName, FbxNode* pTargetNode = NULL, FbxNode* pTargetUpNode = NULL);
void DisplayDefaultAnimationValues(FbxCamera* pCamera);
void DisplayRenderOptions(FbxCamera* pCamera);
void DisplayCameraViewOptions(FbxCamera* pCamera);
void DisplayBackgroundProperties(FbxCamera* pCamera);
void DisplayApertureAndFilmControls(FbxCamera* pCamera);
void DisplayViewingAreaControls(FbxCamera* pCamera);
void DisplayCameraPositionAndOrientation(FbxCamera* pCamera, FbxNode* pTargetNode, FbxNode* pUpTargetNode);
void DisplayCamera(FbxNode* pNode)
DisplayCamera((FbxCamera*) pNode->GetNodeAttribute(), (char *) pNode->GetName(), pNode->GetTarget(), pNode->GetTargetUp());
void DisplayCamera(FbxCamera* pCamera, char* pName, FbxNode* pTargetNode, FbxNode* pTargetUpNode)
DisplayString("Camera Name: ", pName);
if (!pCamera)
DisplayString("NOT FOUND");
DisplayCameraPositionAndOrientation(pCamera, pTargetNode, pTargetUpNode);
const char* lProjectionTypes[] = { "Perspective", "Orthogonal" };
DisplayString(" Projection Type: ", lProjectionTypes[pCamera->ProjectionType.Get()]);
// If camera projection type is set to FbxCamera::eOrthogonal, the
// aperture and film controls are not relevant.
void DisplayCameraPositionAndOrientation(FbxCamera* pCamera, FbxNode* pTargetNode, FbxNode* pTargetUpNode)
DisplayString(" Camera Position and Orientation");
Display3DVector(" Position: ", pCamera->Position.Get());
if (pTargetNode)
DisplayString(" Camera Interest: ",(char *) pTargetNode->GetName());
Display3DVector(" Default Camera Interest Position: ", pCamera->InterestPosition.Get());
if (pTargetUpNode)
DisplayString(" Camera Up Target: ", (char *) pTargetUpNode->GetName());
Display3DVector(" Up Vector: ", pCamera->UpVector.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Roll: ", pCamera->Roll.Get());
void DisplayViewingAreaControls(FbxCamera* pCamera)
DisplayString(" Viewing Area Controls");
const char* lCameraFormat[] = { "Custom", "D1 NTSC", "NTSC", "PAL", "D1 PAL",
"HD", "640x480", "320x200", "320x240", "128x128",
"Full Screen" };
DisplayString(" Format: ", lCameraFormat[pCamera->GetFormat()]);
const char* lAspectRatioModes[] = { "Window Size", "Fixed Ratio", "Fixed Resolution",
"Fixed Width", "Fixed Height" };
DisplayString(" Aspect Ratio Mode: ", lAspectRatioModes[pCamera->GetAspectRatioMode()]);
// If the ratio mode is eWINDOW_SIZE, both width and height values aren't relevant.
DisplayDouble(" Aspect Width: ", pCamera->AspectWidth.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Aspect Height: ", pCamera->AspectHeight.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Pixel Ratio: ", pCamera->PixelAspectRatio.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Near Plane: ", pCamera->NearPlane.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Far Plane: ", pCamera->FarPlane.Get());
DisplayBool(" Mouse Lock: ", pCamera->LockMode.Get());
void DisplayApertureAndFilmControls(FbxCamera* pCamera)
DisplayString(" Aperture and Film Controls");
const char* lCameraApertureFormats[] = { "Custom",
"16mm Theatrical",
"Super 16mm",
"35mm Academy",
"35mm TV Projection",
"35mm Full Aperture",
"35mm 1.85 Projection",
"35mm Anamorphic",
"70mm Projection",
"Imax" };
DisplayString(" Aperture Format: ", lCameraApertureFormats[pCamera->GetApertureFormat()]);
const char* lCameraApertureModes[] = { "Horizontal and Vertical", "Horizontal", "Vertical", "Focal Length" };
DisplayString(" Aperture Mode: ", lCameraApertureModes[pCamera->GetApertureMode()]);
DisplayDouble(" Aperture Width: ", pCamera->GetApertureWidth(), " inches");
DisplayDouble(" Aperture Height: ", pCamera->GetApertureHeight(), " inches");
DisplayDouble(" Squeeze Ratio: ", pCamera->GetSqueezeRatio());
DisplayDouble(" Focal Length: ", pCamera->FocalLength.Get(), "mm");
DisplayDouble(" Field of View: ", pCamera->FieldOfView.Get(), " degrees");
void DisplayBackgroundProperties(FbxCamera* pCamera)
DisplayString(" Background Properties");
DisplayString(" Background File Name: \"", (char *) pCamera->GetBackgroundFileName(), "\"");
const char* lBackgroundDisplayModes[] = { "Disabled", "Always", "When Media" };
DisplayString(" Background Display Mode: ", lBackgroundDisplayModes[pCamera->ViewFrustumBackPlaneMode.Get()]);
DisplayBool(" Foreground Matte Threshold Enable: ", pCamera->ShowFrontplate.Get());
// This option is only relevant if background drawing mode is set to eFOREGROUND or eBACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND.
if (pCamera->ForegroundOpacity.Get())
DisplayDouble(" Foreground Matte Threshold: ", pCamera->BackgroundAlphaTreshold.Get());
FbxString lBackgroundPlacementOptions;
if (pCamera->GetBackPlateFitImage())
lBackgroundPlacementOptions += " Fit,";
if (pCamera->GetBackPlateCenter())
lBackgroundPlacementOptions += " Center,";
if (pCamera->GetBackPlateKeepRatio())
lBackgroundPlacementOptions += " Keep Ratio,";
if (pCamera->GetBackPlateCrop())
lBackgroundPlacementOptions += " Crop,";
if (!lBackgroundPlacementOptions.IsEmpty())
FbxString lString = lBackgroundPlacementOptions.Left(lBackgroundPlacementOptions.GetLen() - 1);
DisplayString(" Background Placement Options: ",lString.Buffer());
DisplayDouble(" Background Distance: ", pCamera->BackPlaneDistance.Get());
const char* lCameraBackgroundDistanceModes[] = { "Relative to Interest", "Absolute from Camera" };
DisplayString(" Background Distance Mode: ", lCameraBackgroundDistanceModes[pCamera->BackPlaneDistanceMode.Get()]);
void DisplayCameraViewOptions(FbxCamera* pCamera)
DisplayString(" Camera View Options");
DisplayBool(" View Camera Interest: ", pCamera->ViewCameraToLookAt.Get());
DisplayBool(" View Near Far Planes: ", pCamera->ViewFrustumNearFarPlane.Get());
DisplayBool(" Show Grid: ", pCamera->ShowGrid.Get());
DisplayBool(" Show Axis: ", pCamera->ShowAzimut.Get());
DisplayBool(" Show Name: ", pCamera->ShowName.Get());
DisplayBool(" Show Info on Moving: ", pCamera->ShowInfoOnMoving.Get());
DisplayBool(" Show Time Code: ", pCamera->ShowTimeCode.Get());
DisplayBool(" Display Safe Area: ", pCamera->DisplaySafeArea.Get());
const char* lSafeAreaStyles[] = { "Round", "Square" };
FbxColor color;
DisplayString(" Safe Area Style: ", lSafeAreaStyles[pCamera->SafeAreaDisplayStyle.Get()]);
DisplayBool(" Show Audio: ", pCamera->ShowAudio.Get());
c = pCamera->BackgroundColor.Get();
color = FbxColor(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
DisplayColor(" Background Color: ", color);
c = pCamera->AudioColor.Get();
color = FbxColor(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
DisplayColor(" Audio Color: ", color);
DisplayBool(" Use Frame Color: ", pCamera->UseFrameColor.Get());
c = pCamera->FrameColor.Get();
color = FbxColor(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
DisplayColor(" Frame Color: ", color);
void DisplayRenderOptions(FbxCamera* pCamera)
DisplayString(" Render Options");
const char* lCameraRenderOptionsUsageTimes[] = { "Interactive", "At Render" };
DisplayString(" Render Options Usage Time: ", lCameraRenderOptionsUsageTimes[pCamera->UseRealTimeDOFAndAA.Get()]);
DisplayBool(" Use Antialiasing: ", pCamera->UseAntialiasing.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Antialiasing Intensity: ", pCamera->AntialiasingIntensity.Get());
const char* lCameraAntialiasingMethods[] = { "Oversampling Antialiasing", "Hardware Antialiasing" };
DisplayString(" Antialiasing Method: ", lCameraAntialiasingMethods[pCamera->AntialiasingMethod.Get()]);
// This option is only relevant if antialiasing method is set to eOVERSAMPLING_ANTIALIASING.
DisplayInt(" Number of Samples: ", pCamera->FrameSamplingCount.Get());
const char* lCameraSamplingTypes[] = { "Uniform", "Stochastic" };
DisplayString(" Sampling Type: ", lCameraSamplingTypes[pCamera->FrameSamplingType.Get()]);
DisplayBool(" Use Accumulation Buffer: ", pCamera->UseAccumulationBuffer.Get());
DisplayBool(" Use Depth of Field: ", pCamera->UseDepthOfField.Get());
const char* lCameraFocusDistanceSources[] = { "Camera Interest", "Specific Distance" };
DisplayString(" Focus Distance Source: ", lCameraFocusDistanceSources[pCamera->FocusSource.Get()]);
// This parameter is only relevant if focus distance source is set to eSPECIFIC_DISTANCE.
DisplayDouble(" Specific Distance: ", pCamera->FocusDistance.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Focus Angle: ", pCamera->FocusAngle.Get(), " degrees");
void DisplayDefaultAnimationValues(FbxCamera* pCamera)
DisplayString(" Default Animation Values");
DisplayDouble(" Default Field of View: ", pCamera->FieldOfView.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Default Field of View X: ", pCamera->FieldOfViewX.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Default Field of View Y: ", pCamera->FieldOfViewY.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Default Optical Center X: ", pCamera->OpticalCenterX.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Default Optical Center Y: ", pCamera->OpticalCenterY.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Default Roll: ", pCamera->Roll.Get());