FBX C++ API Reference
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#include "DisplayLight.h"
void DisplayDefaultAnimationValues(FbxLight* pLight);
void DisplayLight(FbxNode* pNode)
FbxLight* lLight = (FbxLight*) pNode->GetNodeAttribute();
DisplayString("Light Name: ", (char *) pNode->GetName());
const char* lLightTypes[] = { "Point", "Directional", "Spot", "Area", "Volume" };
DisplayString(" Type: ", lLightTypes[lLight->LightType.Get()]);
DisplayBool(" Cast Light: ", lLight->CastLight.Get());
if (!(lLight->FileName.Get().IsEmpty()))
DisplayString(" Gobo");
DisplayString(" File Name: \"", lLight->FileName.Get().Buffer(), "\"");
DisplayBool(" Ground Projection: ", lLight->DrawGroundProjection.Get());
DisplayBool(" Volumetric Projection: ", lLight->DrawVolumetricLight.Get());
DisplayBool(" Front Volumetric Projection: ", lLight->DrawFrontFacingVolumetricLight.Get());
void DisplayDefaultAnimationValues(FbxLight* pLight)
DisplayString(" Default Animation Values");
FbxDouble3 c = pLight->Color.Get();
FbxColor lColor(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
DisplayColor(" Default Color: ", lColor);
DisplayDouble(" Default Intensity: ", pLight->Intensity.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Default Outer Angle: ", pLight->OuterAngle.Get());
DisplayDouble(" Default Fog: ", pLight->Fog.Get());