FBX C++ API Reference
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#include <fbxsdk.h>
#include "DisplayCommon.h"
void DisplayTextureInfo(FbxTexture* pTexture, int pBlendMode)
FbxFileTexture *lFileTexture = FbxCast<FbxFileTexture>(pTexture);
FbxProceduralTexture *lProceduralTexture = FbxCast<FbxProceduralTexture>(pTexture);
DisplayString(" Name: \"", (char *) pTexture->GetName(), "\"");
if (lFileTexture)
DisplayString(" Type: File Texture");
DisplayString(" File Name: \"", (char *) lFileTexture->GetFileName(), "\"");
else if (lProceduralTexture)
DisplayString(" Type: Procedural Texture");
DisplayDouble(" Scale U: ", pTexture->GetScaleU());
DisplayDouble(" Scale V: ", pTexture->GetScaleV());
DisplayDouble(" Translation U: ", pTexture->GetTranslationU());
DisplayDouble(" Translation V: ", pTexture->GetTranslationV());
DisplayBool(" Swap UV: ", pTexture->GetSwapUV());
DisplayDouble(" Rotation U: ", pTexture->GetRotationU());
DisplayDouble(" Rotation V: ", pTexture->GetRotationV());
DisplayDouble(" Rotation W: ", pTexture->GetRotationW());
const char* lAlphaSources[] = { "None", "RGB Intensity", "Black" };
DisplayString(" Alpha Source: ", lAlphaSources[pTexture->GetAlphaSource()]);
DisplayDouble(" Cropping Left: ", pTexture->GetCroppingLeft());
DisplayDouble(" Cropping Top: ", pTexture->GetCroppingTop());
DisplayDouble(" Cropping Right: ", pTexture->GetCroppingRight());
DisplayDouble(" Cropping Bottom: ", pTexture->GetCroppingBottom());
const char* lMappingTypes[] = { "Null", "Planar", "Spherical", "Cylindrical",
"Box", "Face", "UV", "Environment" };
DisplayString(" Mapping Type: ", lMappingTypes[pTexture->GetMappingType()]);
if (pTexture->GetMappingType() == FbxTexture::ePlanar)
const char* lPlanarMappingNormals[] = { "X", "Y", "Z" };
DisplayString(" Planar Mapping Normal: ", lPlanarMappingNormals[pTexture->GetPlanarMappingNormal()]);
const char* lBlendModes[] = { "Translucent", "Additive", "Modulate", "Modulate2", "Over", "Normal", "Dissolve", "Darken", "ColorBurn", "LinearBurn",
"DarkerColor", "Lighten", "Screen", "ColorDodge", "LinearDodge", "LighterColor", "SoftLight", "HardLight", "VividLight",
"LinearLight", "PinLight", "HardMix", "Difference", "Exclusion", "Substract", "Divide", "Hue", "Saturation", "Color",
"Luminosity", "Overlay"};
if(pBlendMode >= 0)
DisplayString(" Blend Mode: ", lBlendModes[pBlendMode]);
DisplayDouble(" Alpha: ", pTexture->GetDefaultAlpha());
if (lFileTexture)
const char* lMaterialUses[] = { "Model Material", "Default Material" };
DisplayString(" Material Use: ", lMaterialUses[lFileTexture->GetMaterialUse()]);
const char* pTextureUses[] = { "Standard", "Shadow Map", "Light Map",
"Spherical Reflexion Map", "Sphere Reflexion Map", "Bump Normal Map" };
DisplayString(" Texture Use: ", pTextureUses[pTexture->GetTextureUse()]);
void FindAndDisplayTextureInfoByProperty(FbxProperty pProperty, bool& pDisplayHeader, int pMaterialIndex){
if( pProperty.IsValid() )
int lTextureCount = pProperty.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();
for (int j = 0; j < lTextureCount; ++j)
//Here we have to check if it's layeredtextures, or just textures:
FbxLayeredTexture *lLayeredTexture = pProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxLayeredTexture>(j);
if (lLayeredTexture)
DisplayInt(" Layered Texture: ", j);
int lNbTextures = lLayeredTexture->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>();
for(int k =0; k<lNbTextures; ++k)
FbxTexture* lTexture = lLayeredTexture->GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(k);
DisplayInt(" Textures connected to Material ", pMaterialIndex);
pDisplayHeader = false;
//NOTE the blend mode is ALWAYS on the LayeredTexture and NOT the one on the texture.
//Why is that? because one texture can be shared on different layered textures and might
//have different blend modes.
lLayeredTexture->GetTextureBlendMode(k, lBlendMode);
DisplayString(" Textures for ", pProperty.GetName());
DisplayInt(" Texture ", k);
DisplayTextureInfo(lTexture, (int) lBlendMode);
//no layered texture simply get on the property
FbxTexture* lTexture = pProperty.GetSrcObject<FbxTexture>(j);
//display connected Material header only at the first time
DisplayInt(" Textures connected to Material ", pMaterialIndex);
pDisplayHeader = false;
DisplayString(" Textures for ", pProperty.GetName());
DisplayInt(" Texture ", j);
DisplayTextureInfo(lTexture, -1);
}//end if pProperty
void DisplayTexture(FbxGeometry* pGeometry)
int lMaterialIndex;
FbxProperty lProperty;
int lNbMat = pGeometry->GetNode()->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxSurfaceMaterial>();
for (lMaterialIndex = 0; lMaterialIndex < lNbMat; lMaterialIndex++){
FbxSurfaceMaterial *lMaterial = pGeometry->GetNode()->GetSrcObject<FbxSurfaceMaterial>(lMaterialIndex);
bool lDisplayHeader = true;
//go through all the possible textures
int lTextureIndex;
lProperty = lMaterial->FindProperty(FbxLayerElement::sTextureChannelNames[lTextureIndex]);
FindAndDisplayTextureInfoByProperty(lProperty, lDisplayHeader, lMaterialIndex);
}//end if(lMaterial)
}// end for lMaterialIndex