FBX C++ API Reference
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// This file contains the functions to get the global
// position of a node for a given time in the current animation stack.
#include "GetPosition.h"
// Get the global position of the node for the current pose.
// If the specified node is not part of the pose or no pose is specified, get its
// global position at the current time.
FbxAMatrix GetGlobalPosition(FbxNode* pNode, const FbxTime& pTime, FbxPose* pPose, FbxAMatrix* pParentGlobalPosition)
FbxAMatrix lGlobalPosition;
bool lPositionFound = false;
if (pPose)
int lNodeIndex = pPose->Find(pNode);
if (lNodeIndex > -1)
// The bind pose is always a global matrix.
// If we have a rest pose, we need to check if it is
// stored in global or local space.
if (pPose->IsBindPose() || !pPose->IsLocalMatrix(lNodeIndex))
lGlobalPosition = GetPoseMatrix(pPose, lNodeIndex);
// We have a local matrix, we need to convert it to
// a global space matrix.
FbxAMatrix lParentGlobalPosition;
if (pParentGlobalPosition)
lParentGlobalPosition = *pParentGlobalPosition;
if (pNode->GetParent())
lParentGlobalPosition = GetGlobalPosition(pNode->GetParent(), pTime, pPose);
FbxAMatrix lLocalPosition = GetPoseMatrix(pPose, lNodeIndex);
lGlobalPosition = lParentGlobalPosition * lLocalPosition;
lPositionFound = true;
if (!lPositionFound)
// There is no pose entry for that node, get the current global position instead.
// Ideally this would use parent global position and local position to compute the global position.
// Unfortunately the equation
// lGlobalPosition = pParentGlobalPosition * lLocalPosition
// does not hold when inheritance type is other than "Parent" (RSrs).
// To compute the parent rotation and scaling is tricky in the RrSs and Rrs cases.
lGlobalPosition = pNode->EvaluateGlobalTransform(pTime);
return lGlobalPosition;
// Get the matrix of the given pose
FbxAMatrix GetPoseMatrix(FbxPose* pPose, int pNodeIndex)
FbxAMatrix lPoseMatrix;
FbxMatrix lMatrix = pPose->GetMatrix(pNodeIndex);
memcpy((double*)lPoseMatrix, (double*)lMatrix, sizeof(lMatrix.mData));
return lPoseMatrix;
// Get the geometry offset to a node. It is never inherited by the children.
FbxAMatrix GetGeometry(FbxNode* pNode)
return FbxAMatrix(lT, lR, lS);