FBX C++ API Reference
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FbxPropertyHandle Class Reference

#include <fbxpropertyhandle.h>

Class Description

Class to manage property handle.

Definition at line 29 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

Public Member Functions

Assignment and basic info
FbxPropertyHandleoperator= (const FbxPropertyHandle &pHandle)
 FbxPropertyHandle assignment operator. More...
bool operator== (const FbxPropertyHandle &pHandle) const
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const FbxPropertyHandle &pHandle) const
 Inequality operator. More...
bool operator< (const FbxPropertyHandle &pHandle) const
 Lesser operator, used to sort property handle in map. More...
bool operator> (const FbxPropertyHandle &pHandle) const
 Greater operator, used to sort property handle in map. More...
bool Is (const FbxPropertyHandle &pHandle) const
 Compare type info together. More...
bool Valid () const
 Judge validity. More...
const char * GetName () const
 Get the property name. More...
const char * GetLabel () const
 Get the property label. More...
bool SetLabel (const char *pLabel)
 Set a label to the property. More...
EFbxType GetType () const
 Get the property type. More...
FbxPropertyHandle GetTypeInfo () const
 Get the property type info. More...
FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags GetFlags () const
 Get the property attribute state. More...
FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType GetFlagsInheritType (FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlags, bool pCheckReferences) const
 Gets the inheritance type for the given flag. More...
bool ModifyFlags (FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlags, bool pValue)
 According the given parameter Change the attributes of the property. More...
bool SetFlagsInheritType (FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlags, FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType pType)
 Sets the inheritance type for the given flag. More...
void * GetUserData () const
 Get the property user data. More...
bool SetUserData (const void *pUserData)
 Set user data to the property. More...
int GetUserTag () const
 Get the property user tag. More...
bool SetUserTag (int pUserData)
 Set user tag to the property. More...
Enum management
int AddEnumValue (const char *pStringValue)
 Add new value at the end of the enum list in the property. More...
void InsertEnumValue (int pIndex, const char *pStringValue)
 Insert new value at the given index of the enum list in property. More...
int GetEnumCount ()
 Get the enum count of enum list in property. More...
void SetEnumValue (int pIndex, const char *pStringValue)
 Set value at the given index of the enum list in the property. More...
void RemoveEnumValue (int pIndex)
 Remove the value at the index of the enum list in the property. More...
char * GetEnumValue (int pIndex)
 Get the value at the index of enum list in the property. More...
Child and Struct management
void BeginCreateOrFindProperty ()
 Create the map for find property in the property page. More...
void EndCreateOrFindProperty ()
 Clear the map which created for find property. More...
bool IsRoot () const
 Judge if the property is the root property. More...
bool IsChildOf (const FbxPropertyHandle &pParent) const
 Judge if the property is the child property of the given parent property. More...
bool IsDescendentOf (const FbxPropertyHandle &pParent) const
 Judge if the property is descendent property of the given property. More...
bool SetParent (const FbxPropertyHandle &pOther)
 Set parent property handle.No matter what enters,the result is always false. More...
FbxPropertyHandle Add (const char *pName, const FbxPropertyHandle &pTypeInfo)
 Add a property to the property page. More...
FbxPropertyHandle GetParent () const
 Get parent property. More...
FbxPropertyHandle GetChild () const
 Get child property. More...
FbxPropertyHandle GetSibling () const
 Get sibling property. More...
FbxPropertyHandle GetFirstDescendent () const
 Get first descendent property. More...
FbxPropertyHandle GetNextDescendent (const FbxPropertyHandle &pHandle) const
 Get first descendent property which after the given property. More...
FbxPropertyHandle Find (const char *pName, bool pCaseSensitive) const
 Find the property with given name. More...
FbxPropertyHandle Find (const char *pName, const FbxPropertyHandle &pTypeInfo, bool pCaseSensitive) const
 Find the property with given name and type info. More...
FbxPropertyHandle Find (const char *pName, const char *pChildrenSeparator, bool pCaseSensitive) const
 Separate the given name by children separator string and then find the property.The step is strip the first part of the name and search, if the property can be found, strip the second part of the name and continue search, until no property be found,then return the last found property. More...
FbxPropertyHandle Find (const char *pName, const char *pChildrenSeparator, const FbxPropertyHandle &pTypeInfo, bool pCaseSensitive) const
 Separate the given name by children separator string and then find the property.The step is strip the first part of the name and search, if the property can be found, strip the second part of the name and continue search, until no property be found,then return the last found property. More...
Connection management
bool ConnectSrc (const FbxPropertyHandle &pSrc, const FbxConnection::EType pType=FbxConnection::eDefault)
 Connect source property. More...
int GetSrcCount (FbxConnectionPointFilter *pFilter=0) const
 Get source properties' count. More...
FbxPropertyHandle GetSrc (FbxConnectionPointFilter *pFilter=0, int pIndex=0) const
 Get source property with the given index. More...
bool DisconnectSrc (const FbxPropertyHandle &pSrc)
 Disconnect source property. More...
bool IsConnectedSrc (const FbxPropertyHandle &pSrc)
 Judge if it is connected with the given source property. More...
bool ConnectDst (const FbxPropertyHandle &pDst, const FbxConnection::EType pType=FbxConnection::eDefault)
 Connect destination property. More...
int GetDstCount (FbxConnectionPointFilter *pFilter=0) const
 Get destination properties' count. More...
FbxPropertyHandle GetDst (FbxConnectionPointFilter *pFilter=0, int pIndex=0) const
 Get destination property with the given index. More...
bool DisconnectDst (const FbxPropertyHandle &pDst)
 Disconnect destination property. More...
bool IsConnectedDst (const FbxPropertyHandle &pDst)
 Judge if it is connected with the given destination property. More...
void ClearConnectCache ()
 Clear connect cache. More...
void WipeAllConnections ()
 Clear all connect without sending any notification (Internal use ONLY) More...
Limits Functions

Minimum and maximum value limits can be associated with properties, but FBX will not verify that these limits are respected.

FBX however will store and retrieve limits from files, and will assure that they are persistent in memory while the property handle object exists.

Soft minimums and maximums values are specifying a second set of limits that can be used for UI objects such as sliders. FBX will handle them the same way it does with the normal limits.

bool HasMin () const
 Judge if this property has a minimum value. More...
bool GetMin (void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
 Get the minimum value and value type of this property. More...
bool SetMin (const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
 Set the minimum value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
bool SetMin (const T &pValue)
 According the given value and its value type, set the minimum value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
GetMin (const T *pFBX_TYPE) const
 Get the minimum value of this property. More...
bool HasSoftMin () const
 Judge if this property has soft minimum value. More...
bool GetSoftMin (void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
 Get the soft minimum value and value type of this property. More...
bool SetSoftMin (const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
 Set the soft minimum value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
bool SetSoftMin (const T &pValue)
 According the given value and its value type, set the soft minimum value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
GetSoftMin (const T *pFBX_TYPE) const
 Get the soft minimum value of this property. More...
bool HasMax () const
 Judge if this property has maximum value. More...
bool GetMax (void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
 Get the maximum value and value type of this property. More...
bool SetMax (const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
 Set the maximum value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
bool SetMax (const T &pValue)
 According the given value and its value type, set the maximum value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
GetMax (const T *pFBX_TYPE) const
 Get the maximum value of this property. More...
bool HasSoftMax () const
 Judge if this property has soft maximum value. More...
bool GetSoftMax (void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
 Get the soft maximum value and value type of this property. More...
bool SetSoftMax (const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
 Set the soft maximum value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
bool SetSoftMax (const T &pValue)
 According the given value and its value type, set the soft maximum value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
GetSoftMax (const T *pFBX_TYPE) const
 Get the soft maximum value of this property. More...
FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType GetValueInheritType (bool pCheckReferences) const
 Get value inherit type of this property. More...
bool SetValueInheritType (FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType pType)
 Set value inherit type for this property . More...
bool GetDefaultValue (void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
 Get default value and value type of this property . More...
bool Get (void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
 Get value and value type of this property . More...
bool Set (const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType, bool pCheckValueEquality)
 Set property value and value type for this property. More...
template<class T >
bool Set (const T &pValue)
 Set property value with the given value . More...
template<class T >
Get (const T *pFBX_TYPE) const
 get property value. More...
Page settings
void SetPageDataPtr (void *pData)
 Set the property page data pointer. More...
void * GetPageDataPtr () const
 Get property page data pointer. More...
Page Internal Entry Management
bool PushPropertiesToParentInstance ()
 Push properties to parent instance. More...
Reference Management
bool IsAReferenceTo (void) const
 Judge if this property page is a instance of other page. More...
void * GetReferenceTo (void) const
 Get the property page which this property page make reference to. More...
bool IsReferencedBy (void) const
 Judge if this property page is referenced by other pages. More...
int GetReferencedByCount (void) const
 Get the count of property pages which make reference to this property page. More...
void * GetReferencedBy (int pIndex) const
 According the given index,get the property page which make reference to this property page. More...

Constructor and Destructor

static FbxPropertyHandle Create ()
 Create an instance. More...
static FbxPropertyHandle Create (const FbxPropertyHandle &pInstanceOf)
 Create an instance with given instance. More...
static FbxPropertyHandle Create (const char *pName, EFbxType pType=eFbxUndefined)
 Create an instance with given name and type. More...
static FbxPropertyHandle Create (const char *pName, FbxPropertyHandle pTypeInfo)
 Create an instance with given name and type info. More...
bool Destroy ()
 If this property is root property, delete the property page, otherwise delete the property. More...
 FbxPropertyHandle ()
 Default constructor. More...
 FbxPropertyHandle (const FbxPropertyHandle &pAddress)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~FbxPropertyHandle ()
 Destructor. More...
 FbxPropertyHandle (FbxPropertyPage *pPage, FbxInt pId=0)
 Character constructor. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FbxPropertyHandle() [1/3]

Default constructor.

◆ FbxPropertyHandle() [2/3]

FbxPropertyHandle ( const FbxPropertyHandle pAddress)

Copy constructor.

pAddressFbxPropertyHandle copied to this one.

◆ ~FbxPropertyHandle()


◆ FbxPropertyHandle() [3/3]

FbxPropertyHandle ( FbxPropertyPage pPage,
FbxInt  pId = 0 

Character constructor.


Member Function Documentation

◆ Create() [1/4]

static FbxPropertyHandle Create ( )

Create an instance.

◆ Create() [2/4]

static FbxPropertyHandle Create ( const FbxPropertyHandle pInstanceOf)

Create an instance with given instance.

pInstanceOfThe given instance.

◆ Create() [3/4]

static FbxPropertyHandle Create ( const char *  pName,
EFbxType  pType = eFbxUndefined 

Create an instance with given name and type.

pNameProperty name.
pTypeProperty type.

◆ Create() [4/4]

static FbxPropertyHandle Create ( const char *  pName,
FbxPropertyHandle  pTypeInfo 

Create an instance with given name and type info.


◆ Destroy()

bool Destroy ( )

If this property is root property, delete the property page, otherwise delete the property.

If succeed, return true.

◆ operator=()

FbxPropertyHandle& operator= ( const FbxPropertyHandle pHandle)

FbxPropertyHandle assignment operator.

pHandleFbxPropertyHandle assigned to this one.

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const FbxPropertyHandle pHandle) const

Equality operator.

pHandleFbxPropertyHandle compared with this one.
True if equal, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=()

bool operator!= ( const FbxPropertyHandle pHandle) const

Inequality operator.

pHandleFbxPropertyHandle compared with this one.
True if unequal, false otherwise.

◆ operator<()< h2="">
bool operator< ( const FbxPropertyHandle pHandle) const

Lesser operator, used to sort property handle in map.

pHandleThe property handle compared to this property handle.
true if less, false otherwise.

◆ operator>()

bool operator> ( const FbxPropertyHandle pHandle) const

Greater operator, used to sort property handle in map.

pPropertyThe property handle compared to this property handle.
true if greater, false otherwise.

◆ Is()

bool Is ( const FbxPropertyHandle pHandle) const

Compare type info together.

pHandleFbxPropertyHandle compared with this one.
True if equal, false otherwise.

◆ Valid()

bool Valid ( ) const

Judge validity.

◆ GetName()

const char* GetName ( ) const

Get the property name.

◆ GetLabel()

const char* GetLabel ( ) const

Get the property label.

◆ SetLabel()

bool SetLabel ( const char *  pLabel)

Set a label to the property.

pLabelThe given label string
true if successful.

◆ GetType()

EFbxType GetType ( ) const

Get the property type.

◆ GetTypeInfo()

FbxPropertyHandle GetTypeInfo ( ) const

Get the property type info.

◆ GetFlags()

FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags GetFlags ( ) const

Get the property attribute state.

◆ GetFlagsInheritType()

FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType GetFlagsInheritType ( FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags  pFlags,
bool  pCheckReferences 
) const

Gets the inheritance type for the given flag.

pFlagsThe flag to query
pCheckReferencesDecide whether check instance. If it is true, check instance.
The inheritance type

◆ ModifyFlags()

bool ModifyFlags ( FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags  pFlags,
bool  pValue 

According the given parameter Change the attributes of the property.

pFlagsThe given flags used as mask.
pValueIf pValue is true, set mask with given flags, otherwise unset mask with given flags.
If succeed, return true.

◆ SetFlagsInheritType()

bool SetFlagsInheritType ( FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags  pFlags,
FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType  pType 

Sets the inheritance type for the given flag.

pFlagsThe flag to set
pTypeThe inheritance type to set
If succeed, return true.

◆ GetUserData()

void* GetUserData ( ) const

Get the property user data.

◆ SetUserData()

bool SetUserData ( const void *  pUserData)

Set user data to the property.

pUserDataThe given user data
If succeed, return true.

◆ GetUserTag()

int GetUserTag ( ) const

Get the property user tag.

◆ SetUserTag()

bool SetUserTag ( int  pUserData)

Set user tag to the property.

pUserDataThe given user tag
If succeed, return true.

◆ AddEnumValue()

int AddEnumValue ( const char *  pStringValue)

Add new value at the end of the enum list in the property.

pStringValueThe given new value
The index of the value.

◆ InsertEnumValue()

void InsertEnumValue ( int  pIndex,
const char *  pStringValue 

Insert new value at the given index of the enum list in property.

pIndexThe given index
pStringValueThe given new value

◆ GetEnumCount()

int GetEnumCount ( )

Get the enum count of enum list in property.

The enum count of enum list in property

◆ SetEnumValue()

void SetEnumValue ( int  pIndex,
const char *  pStringValue 

Set value at the given index of the enum list in the property.

pIndexThe given index
pStringValueThe given new value used to instead the old value.

◆ RemoveEnumValue()

void RemoveEnumValue ( int  pIndex)

Remove the value at the index of the enum list in the property.

pIndexThe given index

◆ GetEnumValue()

char* GetEnumValue ( int  pIndex)

Get the value at the index of enum list in the property.

pIndexThe given index
The value at the given index

◆ BeginCreateOrFindProperty()

void BeginCreateOrFindProperty ( )

Create the map for find property in the property page.

◆ EndCreateOrFindProperty()

void EndCreateOrFindProperty ( )

Clear the map which created for find property.

◆ IsRoot()

bool IsRoot ( ) const

Judge if the property is the root property.

Return true if this property is root property.

Definition at line 209 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

209 { return ( mPage && mId == 0 ) ? true : false; }

◆ IsChildOf()

bool IsChildOf ( const FbxPropertyHandle pParent) const

Judge if the property is the child property of the given parent property.

pParentThe given parent property handle
Return true if this property is child of given property.

◆ IsDescendentOf()

bool IsDescendentOf ( const FbxPropertyHandle pParent) const

Judge if the property is descendent property of the given property.

pParentThe given parent property handle
Return true if this property is descendant of given property.

◆ SetParent()

bool SetParent ( const FbxPropertyHandle pOther)

Set parent property handle.No matter what enters,the result is always false.


◆ Add()

FbxPropertyHandle Add ( const char *  pName,
const FbxPropertyHandle pTypeInfo 

Add a property to the property page.

pNameThe name of property.
pTypeInfoThe added property's type info.
The handle of the new added property

◆ GetParent()

FbxPropertyHandle GetParent ( ) const

Get parent property.

If the parent property exists, return the property handle,otherwise return -1.

◆ GetChild()

FbxPropertyHandle GetChild ( ) const

Get child property.

If the child property is exist, return the property handle,otherwise return -1.

◆ GetSibling()

FbxPropertyHandle GetSibling ( ) const

Get sibling property.

If the sibling property is exist, return the property handle,otherwise return -1.

◆ GetFirstDescendent()

FbxPropertyHandle GetFirstDescendent ( ) const

Get first descendent property.

If the descendent property is exist, return the first descendent property handle,otherwise return -1.

◆ GetNextDescendent()

FbxPropertyHandle GetNextDescendent ( const FbxPropertyHandle pHandle) const

Get first descendent property which after the given property.

pHandleThe given property handle
If the descendent property can be found after the given property, return the first found property handle,otherwise return -1.

◆ Find() [1/4]

FbxPropertyHandle Find ( const char *  pName,
bool  pCaseSensitive 
) const

Find the property with given name.

pNameThe given property name
pCaseSensitiveDecide if the given property name is case sensitive
Return a property handle which be created with the found property.

◆ Find() [2/4]

FbxPropertyHandle Find ( const char *  pName,
const FbxPropertyHandle pTypeInfo,
bool  pCaseSensitive 
) const

Find the property with given name and type info.

pNameThe given property name
pTypeInfoThe given property type info
pCaseSensitiveDecide if the given property name is case sensitive
Return a property handle which be created with the found property.

◆ Find() [3/4]

FbxPropertyHandle Find ( const char *  pName,
const char *  pChildrenSeparator,
bool  pCaseSensitive 
) const

Separate the given name by children separator string and then find the property.The step is strip the first part of the name and search, if the property can be found, strip the second part of the name and continue search, until no property be found,then return the last found property.

pNameThe given property name
pChildrenSeparatorThe given children separator string
pCaseSensitiveDecide if the given property name is case sensitive
Return a property handle which be created with the found property.

◆ Find() [4/4]

FbxPropertyHandle Find ( const char *  pName,
const char *  pChildrenSeparator,
const FbxPropertyHandle pTypeInfo,
bool  pCaseSensitive 
) const

Separate the given name by children separator string and then find the property.The step is strip the first part of the name and search, if the property can be found, strip the second part of the name and continue search, until no property be found,then return the last found property.

pNameThe given property name
pChildrenSeparatorThe given children separator string
pTypeInfoThe given property type info
pCaseSensitiveDecide if the given property name is case sensitive
Return a property handle which be created with the found property.

◆ ConnectSrc()

bool ConnectSrc ( const FbxPropertyHandle pSrc,
const FbxConnection::EType  pType = FbxConnection::eDefault 

Connect source property.

pSrcThe given source property
pTypeThe given property type
If connect successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ GetSrcCount()

int GetSrcCount ( FbxConnectionPointFilter pFilter = 0) const

Get source properties' count.

pFilterThe filter used to get sub connection point. If it is not zero, return the source count of the sub connection point. Otherwise, return the src count of this property.
The count of source properties

◆ GetSrc()

FbxPropertyHandle GetSrc ( FbxConnectionPointFilter pFilter = 0,
int  pIndex = 0 
) const

Get source property with the given index.

pFilterThe filter used to get sub connection point. If it is not zero, return the source property of the sub connection point. Otherwise, return the source property of this property.
pIndexThe given index
The source property handle.

◆ DisconnectSrc()

bool DisconnectSrc ( const FbxPropertyHandle pSrc)

Disconnect source property.

pSrcThe given source property
If disconnect successfully, return true, otherwise return false.

◆ IsConnectedSrc()

bool IsConnectedSrc ( const FbxPropertyHandle pSrc)

Judge if it is connected with the given source property.

pSrcThe given source property
If it is connected, return true, otherwise return false.

◆ ConnectDst()

bool ConnectDst ( const FbxPropertyHandle pDst,
const FbxConnection::EType  pType = FbxConnection::eDefault 

Connect destination property.

pDstThe given destination property
pTypeThe given property type
If connect successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ GetDstCount()

int GetDstCount ( FbxConnectionPointFilter pFilter = 0) const

Get destination properties' count.

pFilterThe filter used to get sub connection point.If it is not zero,return the destination count of the sub connection point. Otherwise, return the destination count of this property.
The count of destination properties

◆ GetDst()

FbxPropertyHandle GetDst ( FbxConnectionPointFilter pFilter = 0,
int  pIndex = 0 
) const

Get destination property with the given index.

pFilterThe filter used to get sub connection point.If it is not zero,return the destination property of the sub connection point. Otherwise, return the destination property of this property.
pIndexThe given index
The destination property handle.

◆ DisconnectDst()

bool DisconnectDst ( const FbxPropertyHandle pDst)

Disconnect destination property.

pDstThe given destination property
If disconnect successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ IsConnectedDst()

bool IsConnectedDst ( const FbxPropertyHandle pDst)

Judge if it is connected with the given destination property.

pDstThe given destination property
If it is connected, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ ClearConnectCache()

void ClearConnectCache ( )

Clear connect cache.

◆ WipeAllConnections()

void WipeAllConnections ( )

Clear all connect without sending any notification (Internal use ONLY)

◆ HasMin()

bool HasMin ( ) const

Judge if this property has a minimum value.

If the minimum value exist, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ GetMin() [1/2]

bool GetMin ( void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 
) const

Get the minimum value and value type of this property.

pValueThe minimum value of this property.
pValueTypeThe value type of this property.
If the minimum value exist, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ SetMin() [1/2]

bool SetMin ( const void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 

Set the minimum value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given minimum value .
pValueTypeThe given value type .
If it be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ SetMin() [2/2]

bool SetMin ( const T &  pValue)

According the given value and its value type, set the minimum value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given value .
If it be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

Definition at line 386 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

386 { return SetMin(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue)); }
bool SetMin(const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
Set the minimum value and value type for this property.
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)

◆ GetMin() [2/2]

T GetMin ( const T *  pFBX_TYPE) const

Get the minimum value of this property.

pFBX_TYPENot used in this function. This is a dummy argument for the correct instantiation of the templated function.
The minimum value of this property

Definition at line 392 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

392 { T lValue; GetMin(&lValue, FbxTypeOf(lValue)); return lValue; }
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)
bool GetMin(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
Get the minimum value and value type of this property.

◆ HasSoftMin()

bool HasSoftMin ( ) const

Judge if this property has soft minimum value.

If the soft minimum value exist, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ GetSoftMin() [1/2]

bool GetSoftMin ( void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 
) const

Get the soft minimum value and value type of this property.

pValueThe soft minimum value of this property.
pValueTypeThe value type of this property.
If the soft minimum value exist, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ SetSoftMin() [1/2]

bool SetSoftMin ( const void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 

Set the soft minimum value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given soft minimum value .
pValueTypeThe given value type .
If it be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ SetSoftMin() [2/2]

bool SetSoftMin ( const T &  pValue)

According the given value and its value type, set the soft minimum value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given value .
If it be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

Definition at line 413 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

413 { return SetSoftMin(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue)); }
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)
bool SetSoftMin(const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
Set the soft minimum value and value type for this property.

◆ GetSoftMin() [2/2]

T GetSoftMin ( const T *  pFBX_TYPE) const

Get the soft minimum value of this property.

pFBX_TYPENot used in this function. This is a dummy argument for the correct instantiation of the templated function.
The soft minimum value of this property

Definition at line 419 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

419 { T lValue; GetSoftMin(&lValue, FbxTypeOf(lValue)); return lValue; }
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)
bool GetSoftMin(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
Get the soft minimum value and value type of this property.

◆ HasMax()

bool HasMax ( ) const

Judge if this property has maximum value.

If the maximum value exist, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ GetMax() [1/2]

bool GetMax ( void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 
) const

Get the maximum value and value type of this property.

pValueThe maximum value of this property.
pValueTypeThe value type of this property.
If the maximum value exist, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ SetMax() [1/2]

bool SetMax ( const void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 

Set the maximum value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given maximum value .
pValueTypeThe given value type .
If it be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ SetMax() [2/2]

bool SetMax ( const T &  pValue)

According the given value and its value type, set the maximum value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given value .
If it be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

Definition at line 440 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

440 { return SetMax(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue)); }
bool SetMax(const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
Set the maximum value and value type for this property.
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)

◆ GetMax() [2/2]

T GetMax ( const T *  pFBX_TYPE) const

Get the maximum value of this property.

pFBX_TYPENot used in this function. This is a dummy argument for the correct instantiation of the templated function.
The maximum value of this property

Definition at line 446 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

446 { T lValue; GetMax(&lValue, FbxTypeOf(lValue)); return lValue; }
bool GetMax(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
Get the maximum value and value type of this property.
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)

◆ HasSoftMax()

bool HasSoftMax ( ) const

Judge if this property has soft maximum value.

If the soft maximum value exist, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ GetSoftMax() [1/2]

bool GetSoftMax ( void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 
) const

Get the soft maximum value and value type of this property.

pValueThe soft maximum value of this property.
pValueTypeThe value type of this property.
If the soft maximum value exist, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ SetSoftMax() [1/2]

bool SetSoftMax ( const void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 

Set the soft maximum value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given soft maximum value .
pValueTypeThe given value type .
If it be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ SetSoftMax() [2/2]

bool SetSoftMax ( const T &  pValue)

According the given value and its value type, set the soft maximum value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given value .
If it be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

Definition at line 467 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

467 { return SetSoftMax(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue)); }
bool SetSoftMax(const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType)
Set the soft maximum value and value type for this property.
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)

◆ GetSoftMax() [2/2]

T GetSoftMax ( const T *  pFBX_TYPE) const

Get the soft maximum value of this property.

pFBX_TYPENot used in this function. This is a dummy argument for the correct instantiation of the templated function.
The soft maximum value of this property

Definition at line 473 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

473 { T lValue; GetSoftMax(&lValue, FbxTypeOf(lValue)); return lValue; }
bool GetSoftMax(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
Get the soft maximum value and value type of this property.
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)

◆ GetValueInheritType()

FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType GetValueInheritType ( bool  pCheckReferences) const

Get value inherit type of this property.

pCheckReferencesIf it is true,check instance of this property page,otherwise,only check this page.
The value inherit type of this property

◆ SetValueInheritType()

bool SetValueInheritType ( FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType  pType)

Set value inherit type for this property .

pTypeThe given value inherit type.
If set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ GetDefaultValue()

bool GetDefaultValue ( void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 
) const

Get default value and value type of this property .

pValueThe gotten default value of this property.
pValueTypeThe gotten default value type of this property.
If default value be gotten successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ Get() [1/2]

bool Get ( void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType 
) const

Get value and value type of this property .

pValueThe gotten value of this property.
pValueTypeThe gotten value type of this property.
If value be gotten successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ Set() [1/2]

bool Set ( const void *  pValue,
EFbxType  pValueType,
bool  pCheckValueEquality 

Set property value and value type for this property.

pValueThe given property value .
pValueTypeThe given property value type
pCheckValueEqualityIf it is true, when the given value is equal with the property value, the property value will not be set.
If the property value be set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

◆ Set() [2/2]

bool Set ( const T &  pValue)

Set property value with the given value .

pValueThe given value .
If set successfully, return true,otherwise, return false.

Definition at line 513 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

513 { return Set(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue)); }
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)
bool Set(const void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType, bool pCheckValueEquality)
Set property value and value type for this property.

◆ Get() [2/2]

T Get ( const T *  pFBX_TYPE) const

get property value.

pFBX_TYPENot be used.
The gotten property value.

Definition at line 518 of file fbxpropertyhandle.h.

518 { T lValue; Get(&lValue, FbxTypeOf(lValue)); return lValue; }
EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxChar &)
bool Get(void *pValue, EFbxType pValueType) const
Get value and value type of this property .

◆ SetPageDataPtr()

void SetPageDataPtr ( void *  pData)

Set the property page data pointer.

pDataThe given page data pointer.

◆ GetPageDataPtr()

void* GetPageDataPtr ( ) const

Get property page data pointer.

The gotten property page data pointer.

◆ PushPropertiesToParentInstance()

bool PushPropertiesToParentInstance ( )

Push properties to parent instance.

If push successful return true,otherwise,return false.

◆ IsAReferenceTo()

bool IsAReferenceTo ( void  ) const

Judge if this property page is a instance of other page.

If this property page is a instance of other page, return true,otherwise,return false.

◆ GetReferenceTo()

void* GetReferenceTo ( void  ) const

Get the property page which this property page make reference to.

The property page which this property page make reference to

◆ IsReferencedBy()

bool IsReferencedBy ( void  ) const

Judge if this property page is referenced by other pages.

If this property page is referenced by other pages, return true,otherwise,return false.

◆ GetReferencedByCount()

int GetReferencedByCount ( void  ) const

Get the count of property pages which make reference to this property page.

The count of property pages which make reference to this property page.

◆ GetReferencedBy()

void* GetReferencedBy ( int  pIndex) const

According the given index,get the property page which make reference to this property page.

pIndexThe given index
The pointer to the property page which reference to this property page and be found by index.

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