13 #ifndef _FBXSDK_SCENE_DOCUMENT_INFO_H_ 14 #define _FBXSDK_SCENE_DOCUMENT_INFO_H_ 198 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS 202 virtual void Destruct(
bool pRecursive);
#define FBXSDK_OBJECT_DECLARE(Class, Parent)
Macro used to declare a new class derived from FbxObject.
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > EmbeddedUrl
This property points at the ".fbm" folder that is created when reading a FBX file that has embedded d...
FBX SDK environment definition.
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > LastSaved_ApplicationVersion
This property contains the last saved application version.
FbxString mComment
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > Original_FileName
This property contains the original file name.
virtual FbxObject & Copy(const FbxObject &pObject)
Copy an object content into this object.
Utility class to manipulate strings.
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > LastSaved_ApplicationVendor
This property contains the last saved application vendor.
This class contains scene thumbnails and user-defined summary data.
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > Original_ApplicationVendor
This property contains the name of the original application vendor.
FbxPropertyT< FbxDateTime > LastSaved_DateTime_GMT
This property contains the last saved date and time.
FbxString mAuthor
The base class of most FBX objects.
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > Original_ApplicationName
This property contains the original application name.
FbxProperty LastSaved
The parent property for all last saved-related properties.
FbxPropertyT< FbxDateTime > Original_DateTime_GMT
This property contains the original date and time.
FbxProperty Original
Parent property for all properties related to creation.
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > LastSaved_ApplicationName
This property contains the last saved application name.
Class to hold user properties.
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > Original_ApplicationVersion
This property contains the version of the original application.
FbxString mRevision
virtual void Destruct(bool pRecursive)
Optional destructor override, automatically called by default destructor.
FbxString mKeywords
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > Url
This property contains the URL.
FbxPropertyT< FbxString > LastSavedUrl
This property contains the last saved URL.
virtual void ConstructProperties(bool pForceSet)
Optional property constructor override, automatically called by default constructor.
Simple class to hold RGBA values of a thumbnail image.