13 #ifndef _FBXSDK_UTILS_RENAMINGSTRATEGY_UTILITIES_H_ 14 #define _FBXSDK_UTILS_RENAMINGSTRATEGY_UTILITIES_H_ 22 #define NAMECLASH1_KEY "_ncl1_" // name (x) 23 #define NAMECLASH2_KEY "_ncl2_" // Upper/lower cases clash 25 #define UPPERTOLOWER_KEY "ul" 26 #define LOWERTOUPPER_KEY "lu" 53 static bool EncodeNonAlpha(
FbxString &pString,
bool pFirstCharMustBeAlphaOnly=
FbxString pPermittedChars=
bool p8bitCharsOnly =
59 static bool DecodeNonAlpha(
FbxString &pString);
67 static bool EncodeDuplicate(
FbxString &pString,
int pInstanceNumber=0);
73 static bool DecodeDuplicate(
FbxString &pString);
87 static bool DecodeCaseInsensitive(
FbxString &pString);
93 static FbxString NoPrefixName(
const char* pName);
FBX SDK environment definition.
Utility class to manipulate strings.
This class contains a set of utilities, which are used by the FBX renaming strategy.