AlembicFloat - superclass: floatController; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 6:0 - classID: #(3408044305L, 448532752L)
Value > MAXWrapper > Controllers > Matrix3Controller > AlembicFloat |
NEW in 3ds Max 2018: The AlembicFloat controller is used to load the visibility animation track of a single object entity from an imported Alembic .ABC cache file into a 3ds Max scene.
AlembicFloat ...
<AlembicFloat>.source String default: "" -- filename
Gets/sets the Alembic .ABC source file name for the object this controller is associated with.
<AlembicFloat>.object UndefinedClass default: undefined -- string;
Gets/sets the object path definition string within the Alembic .ABC source file.
<AlembicFloat>.playbackType Integer default: 0 -- integer; Playback_Type
Gets/sets the playback type drop-down list selection index.
0 - Original Range (default) - use the start and end values stored in the ABC file.
1 - Custom Start - use the .playbackStart property to define the scene time on which to start the playback. This can be used to offset the beginning of the playback while keeping the same playback speed.
2 - Custom Range - use the .playbackStart and .playbackEnd properties to define a custom range within which to play back the original animation.
3 - Playback Graph - keyframe the .playbackFrame property to define the file's frame to be loaded on each scene frame.
<AlembicFloat>.playbackStart Float default: 0.0 -- float
Gets/sets the start frame of the playback range.
Applicable when . playbackType is set to 1 or 2.
<AlembicFloat>.playbackEnd Float default: 0.0 -- float
Gets/sets the end frame of the playback range.
Applicable when . playbackType is set to 2.
<AlembicFloat>.playbackFrame Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
Gets/sets the current playback frame.
Keyframe this property to produce custom playback within the defined range, or set to a static value to load a single frame.
Applicable when . playbackType is set to 3.