Interfaces > Core Interfaces > trackviews |
The trackviews Core Interface gives access to the Trackview.
It also provides control over the enhanced features of the new Function Curve/Dope Sheet editors introduced in 3ds Max 5.
Returns a TrackView [Mixin Interface] to the current track view, or undefined when no current track view exists.
Returns a TrackView [Mixin Interface] to the current track view, or undefined when no current track view exists. Alias for .currentTrackView.
See separate description of the TrackView interface later on this page
Returns the name of the last used track view as string.
trackviews.defaultCurveEditorLayout : string : Read|Write
NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Gets/sets the name of the default Curve Editor Layout. The default is "Function
Curve Layout".
The value is stored in the trackviews.ini file and will persist between sessions.
This method will get a TrackView [Mixin Interface] based on the trackview's index or name.
Returns an array of the TrackView [Mixin Interfaces] of all open trackviews.
Returns the number of trackviews.
<boolean> <fpvalue>name or index [layoutName:<string>] [pos:<point2>] [width:<integer>] [height:<integer>] [dock:<enum>] layoutName default value: "" pos default value: [-1,-1] width default value: -1 height default value: -1 dock enums: {#float|#top|#bottom|#canDockOnTop} dock default value: #float
Open a trackview based on it's index or name.
If you supply a height and width argument, it only has an effect when the track view is opened for the first time. After that the user defined size takes effect.
This makes it possible to specify a size when scripting the opening of track view, but still allows users to change the size and have the new size remembered.
Closes a trackview based on its index or name.
Deletes a trackview based on its index or name.
Returns the name of the trackview window based on the index.
Zooms to the selected object's track.
Returns True if successful and False otherwise.
Sets the specified filter for the specified Trackview by name. Returns True if successful and False otherwise.
Filter Name | Note |
#all | Set or clear all flags |
#default | Set default view flags |
#selectedObjects | |
#selectedTracks | |
#animatedTracks | |
#spacewarpBindings | |
#modifiedObjects | |
#transforms | |
#baseObjects | |
#positionX | |
#positionY | |
#positionZ | |
#positionW | |
#rotationX | |
#rotationY | |
#rotationZ | |
#scaleX | |
#scaleY | |
#scaleZ | |
#red | |
#green | |
#blue | |
#alpha | |
#controllerTypes | |
#noteTracks | |
#sound | |
#materialsMaps | |
#materialParameters | |
#visibilityTracks | |
#hideGeometry | |
#hideShapes | |
#hideLights | |
#hideCameras | |
#hideHelpers | |
#hideSpacewarps | |
#visibleObjects | |
#position | |
#rotation | |
#scale | |
#curveX | |
#curveY | |
#curveZ | |
#curveW | |
#staticValues | |
#hierarchy | |
#objects | |
#boneobjects | |
#keyableTracks |
When the #keyableTracks filter is turned on, only keyframe controllers will be displayed in track view.
All other controllers will be skipped and not displayed.
This filter is off by default.
<boolean>trackviews.testFilter <string>TrackviewName <name>filterName
Returns True if the specified filterName is enabled. Available in
3ds Max 2018 and higher.
filterName can be the one of the names listed above as possible arguments of setFilter .
Clears the specified filter from the named Trackview.
Returns True if successful and False otherwise.
filterName can be the one of the names listed above as possible arguments of setFilter .
pickTrackDlg has variable number of arguments.
This method brings up the Track View Pick dialog and returns a TrackViewPick value when the user selects a track and clicks "Ok", or undefined if the user clicks "Cancel".
If the optional argument #multiple is passed, multiple tracks can be picked in the dialog and an array of TrackViewPick values is returned instead of a single value.
Returns a boolean value indicating if the specified trackview exists or not.
Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.
Returns a boolean value indicating if the specified trackview is open.
If the argument does not point at a valid trackview, a Runtime error will be thrown. To avoid this, you must first use trackviews.exists() to make sure that the requested TrackView is valid.
Opens the current trackview if it has been closed.
Returns a boolean value indicating if the trackview is the last one used or not.
Sets the specified trackview to be the current one. Returns true if successful.
Mixin Interface: (trackviews.current)
The TrackView [Mixin Interface] provides access to the features of the TrackView dialog. It is returned by the .current property of the trackviews Core Interface as well as by several methods described earlier in this page.
Returns a ui [Mixin Interface] exposing features of the User Interface of the specified TrackView.
Gets/Sets the Modify SubTree state.
When True, changes affect the children.
Gets/Sets the Interactive Update state.
When set to True, the viewports redraw interactively while keys are moved in the TrackView.
If set to False, updates are suspended until mouse up.
Gets/Sets the Synchronize Time mode. When set to true , the current frame is synchronized to the value at the mouse location during click and drag for most types of mouse operations such as, moving keys, adding keys, selecting time, scaling time, scaling keys, inserting time, and drawing curves. Adjusting tangent handles does not sync to the frame of the handle. This mode also helps in drawing curves by giving visual feedback of what is being drawn.
Gets/Sets the freezing of selected keys.
Gets/Sets the freezing of non-selected curves.
Gets/Sets the visibility of non-selected curves.
Gets/Sets the visibility of the specified tangent types.
Gets/Sets the visibility of frozen keys.
Gets/Sets the keys soft selection usage.
Gets/Sets the keys soft selection range.
Gets/Sets the keys soft selection falloff.
Gets/Sets the auto-expand tracks of the selected objects mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-expand children mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-expand transformation tracks mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-expand objects mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-expand modifiers mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-expand materials mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-expand X,Y,Z sub-tracks mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-select animated tracks mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-select position tracks mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-select rotation tracks mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-select scale tracks mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-select X,Y,T sub-tracks mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-scroll to root mode.
Gets/Sets the auto-scroll to selected mode.
Gets/Sets the manual navigation mode.
Setting this property to a maxObject value will make the specified object the Root (World) node of the TrackView and this limits the display to tracks belonging to the new Root and its children.
Gets/Sets the value scaling origin. It is represented by a horizontal brown line when in the Scale Values mode.
.editMode : enum : Read|Write editMode enums : {#editKeys|#editTime|#editRanges|#positionRanges|#editFCurves}
Gets/Sets the Trackview edit mode.
Returns the name of the TrackView as string.
Sets the name of the TrackView to the specified string.
Returns the number of tracks in the TrackView.
Returns the number of selected tracks in the TrackView.
Returns true if a controller can be assigned to the current selection.
Opens the Assign Controller dialog.
Assigns the specified controller to the currently selected tracks. Returns True on success.
Enables/Disables the Controller Type display.
Expands the tracks of the Trackview.
Zooms at the indexed subAnim track of the specified object.
Returns the parent of the indexed track.
Returns the selected track of the indexed track.
Returns the parent of the selected track of the indexed track.
Returns the number of children of the selected track of the indexed track.
Returns the index of the specified object.
Selects the specified indexed track. If clearSelection is supplied as true, clears any previous selection. Returns True on success.
Selects the specified object. If clearSelection is supplied as true, clears any previous selection. Returns True on success.
Sets the specified filter. Possible filter names are the same as those set for setFilter in the trackviews table.
Clears the specified filter. Possible filter names are the same as those set for setFilter in the trackviews table .
<void>setEditMode <enum>mode mode enums: {#editKeys|#editTime|#editRanges|#positionRanges|#editFCurves}
<enum>getEditMode() getEditMode enums: {#editKeys|#editTime|#editRanges|#positionRanges|#editFCurves}
Returns the Trackview edit mode.
Returns true if the Trackview is the current trackview.
Opens the Trackview Utility dialog.
Launches the specified Utility.
Returns the number of available Utilities.
Returns the name of the indexed Utility.
<void>setTangentType <enum>type [effect:<enum>] type enums: {#smooth|#linear|#step|#fast|#slow|#custom|#flat} effect enums: {#allSelKeys|#allKeys|#allKeysInSelTracks|#selKeysInSelTracks} effect default value: #allSelKeys
Sets the Tangent type of the specified keys to the specified type.
<void>setInTangentType <enum>type [effect:<enum>] type enums: {#smooth|#linear|#step|#fast|#slow|#custom|#flat} effect enums: {#allSelKeys|#allKeys|#allKeysInSelTracks|#selKeysInSelTracks} effect default value: #allSelKeys
Sets the InTangent type of the specified keys to the specified type.
<void>setOutTangentType <enum>type [effect:<enum>] type enums: {#smooth|#linear|#step|#fast|#slow|#custom|#flat} effect enums: {#allSelKeys|#allKeys|#allKeysInSelTracks|#selKeysInSelTracks} effect default value: #allSelKeys
Sets the OutTangent type of the specified keys to the specified type.
Mixin Interface: (trackviews.current.ui)
The ui [Mixin Interface] provides access to the TrackView’s User Interface settings. It is returned by the .ui property of the trackview MixinInterface.
Contains the Window Handle of the Trackview. Read-only.
Contains the layout name of the Trackview. Read-only.
Gets/sets the menu bar name of the Trackview.
There are two customizable Quad menus in the Function Curve Editor:
When set to an existing menu name, the controllerQuadMenu will pop up when right-clicking in the controller window.
When set to an existing menu name, the keyQuadMenu will pop up when clicking in the keys window.
These menus get saved with the layout, so changing them and saving the layout will make them persistent. This allows the creation of different menu sets for different layouts.
Gets/sets the visibility of the menu bar.
Gets/sets the visibility of the scroll bars.
Gets/sets the visibility of the track window.
Gets/sets the visibility of the key window.
Gets/sets the visibility of the time ruler.
When set to True, a Keyable icon will become visible next to the controllers.
Clicking on the icon will toggle the keyable state which is used to determine if Set Key will set a key for the specific track.
The showKeyableIcons state is saved with the Layout, so resaving the layout with the setting turned on will bring them back the next time the layout is used.
When set to True , the icons next to the tracks will be taken from the ClassIcons.dat file.
This means that each object, modifier, controller plugin can have its own unique icon.
When set to True, a lock icon will be shown next to the track.
The icon will show an unlocked state when the track is not locked, and will appear as locked when the track is locked.
When set to false, these icons will not be shown, but the word (Locked) will still appear to the right of the track name if the track is locked.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
Returns the number of toolbars.
Adds a toolbar with the specified name.
Deletes a toolbar by its name or index.
Returns the name of the indexed toolbar. This name is localized.
<string>getToolbarObjectName <index>index
Returns the object name of the indexed toolbar. The object name is the non-localized
name of the toolbar. Available in
3ds Max 2018 and higher.
Returns the visibility of the named toolbar.
Makes the named toolbar visible.
Saves the current TrackView layout.
Saves the TrackView layout under the specified name.
Loads the TrackView layout with the specified name.
Returns the number of layouts.
Returns the layout name of the indexed layout.