The MASH API is a series of helper scripts that can be used to automate the setup and manipulation of MASH networks.
Basic Example 1.¶
Create a MASH network, add a couple of nodes, and print out some useful information.
import MASH.api as mapi
import maya.cmds as cmds
sphereToDistributeOn = cmds.polySphere(r=12)
# create a new MASH network
mashNetwork = mapi.Network()
# print out the default node names
print mashNetwork.waiter
print mashNetwork.distribute
print mashNetwork.instancer
# add a Signal node
node = mashNetwork.addNode("MASH_Signal")
# set the signal node to have some scale noise
cmds.setAttr(".scaleX", 10)
# print out the name of the signal node
# add a Falloff to the Signal node
falloff = node.addFalloff()
# move the falloff
falloffParent = cmds.listRelatives(falloff, p=True)[0]
cmds.setAttr(falloffParent+".translateX", 8)
# make it so the network distributes onto the surface of a mesh
# set the point count of the network
# print all the nodes in the network
nodes = mashNetwork.getAllNodesInNetwork()
print "All nodes in network: "
print nodes
# find all the falloffs in the network
for node in nodes:
mashNode = mapi.Node(node)
falloffs = mashNode.getFalloffs()
if falloffs:
print node+" has the following falloffs: " + str(falloffs)
Basic Example 2.¶
Attach an existing network to Network class.
import MASH.api as mapi
mashNetwork = mapi.Network("MASH1")
print mashNetwork.waiter
print mashNetwork.distribute
print mashNetwork.instancer
See the MASH API Examples page for more examples.
The Network Class¶
(name=None)¶ This class defines the base MASH network.
(dynamicsNode)¶ - Add a channel random node to either a MASH_Dynamics node or MASH_Constraint.Returns a Node instance of the Channel Random node.
(colliderName)¶ Add a collider to the Bullet Solver this network is connected to.
(dynamicsNode)¶ - Add a constraint to a MASH_Dynamics nodeReturns a Node instance of the Constraint node
(nodeType)¶ - Adds a node to the network.If the node you’re creating is a curve node, then any curves defined in self.curves will be added automatically.:param – nodeType: The node type as a string:return – an instance of the Node class which can be used to further manipulate the network.
(channel, destination)¶ Copy an MArray to a list. This method is used mainly by MASH’s unit testing framework. :param – None :return – None
(typeToCheckFor=None)¶ - Returns true if a node of this type is present in the network.:param – typeToCheckFor: The nodeType to check for.:return – bool
(name='MASH Network', distributionStyle=0, geometry='Default')¶ - Creates a MASH network.:param – name: The desired name of the new network.:param – distributionStyle: The distribution style:1 = Linear2 = Radial3 = Spherical6 = Grid7 = Initial State8 = PFX9 = Volume:param – geometry: The geometry type:‘Instancer’ will create a network using the Maya Particle Instancer.‘Repro’ will use the MASH_Repro node to output a mesh.To use mesh based distribition, first create the network, then use meshDistribute() and supply the required arguements.
Example: import maya.cmds as cmdsimport MASH.api as mapicmds.polyCube()network = mani.Network()network.createNetwork(geometry=’Instancer’)
(meshes, freezeTransforms=True, name='MASH Shell Network')¶ - Creates a MASH network with Shell Dynamics set up for every mesh in the meshes arguement list.:param – name: The desired name of the new network.:param – meshes: A list of meshes to add shell dynamics to.
Example: selected = = mapi.Network()mashNetwork.createShellDynamics(selected, “DymamicsNetwork”)
(name=None, foundNames=None, dest=True)¶ - Returns the names of all the nodes in the MASH network:return – list of names
()¶ - Gather the current frame’s data and write to lists:self.positionself.rotationself.scaleself.pidself.timeThis method is used mainly by MASH’s unit testing framework.:param – None:return – None
(mesh, mode=1)¶ - Sets the MASH Network distribution method to mesh based.:param – mesh: The name of the mesh on which to distribute.:param – mode: The mesh distribution mode:1 = Scatter2 = Vertex3 = Random Vertex4 = Face5 = Random Face6 = Voxel7 = Selection set8 = Edge9 = Random Edge10 = UV Space:return – nothing
(newPrefix)¶ - Rename all the nodes in the MASH network.You can name networks on creation (see above) thus this method should only be used when not creating networks via the API.:param – newPrefix: The new prefix for the node names:return – None.
(dynamicsNode)¶ - Sets the Initial State of a Dynamics network, only run this onceto set initial state a second time usemc.setDynamicsInitialState(setState=True, name=dynamicsNodeName)Returns a Node instance of the Initial State node
(count)¶ - Set the point count for the network.:param – count: The new point count.:return – nothing
The Node Class¶
(nodeName)¶ - This class defines a generic MASH node.:string – name: The name of the MASH node:list – falloffs: The falloffs on this node
()¶ - Add a Falloff node to the MASH node.The name of the Falloff node will be returned.
(groundTranform)¶ If the MASH node is a World node this function connects a ground plane to it. Otherwise it will return.
()¶ Returns the names of all the MASH Falloff objects as a list.