3D View Properties

Check or change parameters for 3D views.

To see the parameters on the Properties palette, open the view in the drawing area, or select it in the Project Browser.

Name Description
View Scale The proportional system to use to display the view on a sheet.

Select a scale from the list, or select Custom, and define the Scale Value.

Tip: After defining the scale of a view, don't change it. Instead, create another view using a scale that meets a specific need.
Scale Value A ratio derived from the view scale. For example, if the view scale is 1:100, the scale value is the ratio of 100/1 or 100. If you select a value of Custom for the view scale, you can enter a ratio in the value field for this property.
Detail level Applies the detail level setting to the view: coarse, medium, or fine.
Visibility/Graphics Overrides Opens the Visibility/Graphics dialog, where you can set visibility options for the view.
Visual Style Changes the display to Hidden Line, Wireframe, Shaded, Consistent Colors, or Realistic.
Graphic Display Options Click Edit to access the Graphic Display Options dialog, which controls model display, shadows, lighting, and background.
Discipline Select the discipline for the view from the list. Select Structural to hide non-load-bearing walls from the view.
Identity Data
View Template Identifies the view template assigned to the view. Later changes to the view template will affect the view.
View Name The name of the current view.

The view name displays in the Project Browser and in the title bar of the view. It also displays as the name of the viewport on a sheet unless you define a value for the Title on Sheet parameter.

You can change view names at any time to better reflect their content or to simplify project management.

Title on Sheet The name of the view as it appears on the sheet; it supersedes any value in the View Name property.
Crop View Applies top, bottom, right, and left clip planes to the model. As you move the clip plane, part of the model is either hidden or shown.
Crop Region Visible Turns on or off the visibility of the crop region.
Annotation Crop Shows or hides the annotation crop.
Far Clip Active Enables the Far Clip feature, omitting from the view any model elements that occur beyond the Far Clip Offset. When you disable this parameter, the Far Clip Offset is ignored. All model elements beyond the target point are visible in the view.
Far Clip Offset The distance from the camera towards the target point.

Beyond this offset, model elements are clipped, removed from the view.

By default, the Far Clip Offset is the same distance from the camera as the target point. Increase the offset to see elements beyond the target point.

Section Box Applies a 3D boundary, which you can use to limit the geometry shown in the view.

To adjust the boundaries of the section box, select it, and use the grip controls to move its edges.

Element geometry intersected by the edges of the section box displays using the cut object style for the element.

Rendering Settings Click Edit to open the Rendering Settings dialog, where you can specify options for a rendered image of the 3D view.
Locked Orientation Indicates that the orientation of the view has been locked. This is a read-only value.

To change this value, use the Locked/Unlocked 3D View tool on the View Control Bar.

You can lock a 3D view, for example, to annotate it with tags and keynotes.

Perspective Indicates whether it is a Perspective view. This is a read-only value.

This option is turned on if you created the 3D view using the Perspective setting on the Options Bar.

Eye Elevation The height of the camera used to generate the 3D view.

From what height should the 3D geometry be viewed? Change this setting to adjust its point of view.

The Eye Elevation height is measured from the internal origin of the model.

Target Elevation The height of the target point at which the camera is directed.

Where should the camera point? Should it be looking up? Or down? Or straight ahead?

To look straight ahead, set the Target Elevation to use the same value as the Eye Elevation. These heights are measured from the internal origin of the model.

Camera Position Defines the camera behavior and model display for the 3D view. This is a read-only value.

See Modify the Camera Position in a 3D View.

Phase Filter

Phase Filter name applied to the view.


The Phase name applied for the view.

Type Properties
Coarse poche material Defines the material applied to capped faces in coarse-scale views. In coarse scale views, the default material is Poche. In medium and fine views, the capped faces of hosts display the layered structure of the host.