Create perspective and orthographic 3D views, and enhance them by adding a background, adjusting the camera position or extents, or changing view properties.
View tabCreate panel3D View drop-down
(Default 3D View)
Topics in this section
About 3D Views
Use perspective and orthographic 3D views to visualize the model and to add and modify building elements.
About 3D View Backgrounds
Enhance a perspective or orthographic 3D view by adding a background: specify a sky color, gradient colors, or an image.
Create an Orthographic 3D View
Orthographic 3D views show the building model in a 3D view where all components are the same size regardless of the camera’s distance.
Create a Perspective 3D View
The Perspective option controls whether a 3D view displays as perspective instead of orthographic.
Work in a 3D View
When working in a 3D orthographic or perspective view, you can add and modify building elements to develop and refine the design.
Displaced Views
Displaced views can be used to illustrate the relationship that model elements have to the model as a whole.