Reference of configuration options for exporting a project to Industry Foundation Classes (IFC).
To customize setup properties for exporting a model to IFC, modify the "In-Session Setup" option or duplicate a built-in setup and modify the settings as required. The changes you make to the In-Session Setup are not saved between sessions. Options in the following table are grouped by the tab they display on in the Modify Setup dialog.
Option | Description |
General | |
IFC version |
File type |
Phase to export | Selects the phase of the document to export, defaulting to the last phase of the document. If "Export only elements visible in view" is selected, the phase of the view will be used and this option greyed out: |
Space boundaries | The level of room/space boundaries exported:
Split Walls, Columns, Ducts by Level | Allows you to divide multi-level walls, columns, and ducts by level. When you use this option, Revit cuts the walls, columns, and ducts by each level that is defined as a building story. (See Level Instance Properties.) For elements whose base level is a non-building story level, Revit exports them using the next lower building story as their base level, with an appropriate offset. Revit only exports levels for which the Building Story parameter is enabled, unless no levels are defined as building stories. In that case, Revit exports all levels that are used as base levels for walls, columns, and ducts. |
File Header Information | Opens the File Header dialog, allowing you to provide information on the author and organization. |
Project Address | Opens the Project Address dialog, allowing you to provide information on the purpose and location of the project. Select the "Update project information" option to save the information to the project. |
Classification Settings | Opens the Classification Settings dialog, allowing you to provide information on the source and edition of the project. |
Additional Content | |
Export 2D plan view elements | Select this option to include 2D elements supported by IFC export (notes and filled regions), clear the option to exclude these elements. |
Export linked files as separate IFCs | Select this option to export any Revit links in the project as separate IFCs. Clear the option to exclude Revit links.
Note: Linked IFC files will be re-exported, so they may suffer data loss on roundtrip.
Export only elements visible in view | Select this option to export only the visible elements of the current view. Visible elements include those that are hidden by hidden line or shaded mode, any underlays in the view, and elements that are cropped from view by the crop region. Elements temporarily hidden using temporary hide/isolate will not be exported. Categories marked as Not Exported in the IFC Export Classes dialog will not be exported. See Load and Modify an IFC Mapping File. Clear the option to export the entire model. |
Export rooms in 3D views | If the "Export only elements visible in view" option is selected, selecting this option will export all of the rooms that are contained inside the section box of the selected 3D view. If there is no active section box, all rooms will be exported. |
Property Sets | |
Export Revit property sets | Select this option to include the Revit-specific property sets based on parameter groups. Clear the option to exclude them. |
Export IFC common property sets | Select this option to include the IFC common property sets. Clear the option to exclude them. |
Export base quantities | Whether or not to include base quantities for model elements in the export data. Base quantities are generated from model geometry to reflect actual physical quantity values, independent of measurement rules or methods. |
Export schedules as property sets | Select this option to export schedules as custom property sets. The name of the schedule is the property set name; the column names are the IFC parameter names. |
Export only schedules containing IFC, Pset, or Common in the title | When selected, restricts the schedules exported to only those that contain "IFC," "PSet," or "Common" in their title. |
Export user defined property sets | Select this option to export user-defined property sets. If selected, you can specify the name of a text file that contains the property set definitions. |
Export parameter mapping table | Select this option to export a custom parameter-mapping table. If selected, you can specify the name of a text file that contains the parameter mapping. |
Level of Detail | |
Level of detail for some element geometry | Allows control of the level of tessellation for some Revit elements. Selecting Medium or High for this option will generally result in larger, but more accurate, BRep and profile representations. The main Revit elements affected by this control are: elbows, floors, pipe fittings, railings, ramps, spaces and stairs. Highly detailed extrusion profiles are also affected for these items.
Advanced | |
Export parts as building elements | Select this option to export parts as standard IFC elements. Clear the option to export them as IfcBuildingElementPart. |
Allow use of mixed "Solid Model" representation | Select this option to allow for mixing BRep and extrusion geometries for an entity. This can result in smaller IFC files, but the files are not strictly within the standard IFC MVDs. |
Use active view when creating geometry | Select this option to use the active view to generate the exported geometry. Note that this can have unexpected results if used on a non-3D view. |
Use family and type name for reference | Select this option to use the family and type name for references. Clear the option to use the type name only. |
Use 2D room boundaries for room volume | Select this option to use a simplified approach to calculation of room volumes (based on extrusion of 2D room boundaries) which is also the default when exporting to IFC 2x2. Clear the option to use the Revit calculated room geometry to represent the room volumes (which is the default when exporting to IFC 2x3). |
Include IFCSITE elevation in the site local placement origin | Select this option to include the elevation from the Z offset of the IFCSITE local placement. Clear the option to exclude it. |
Store the IFC GUID in an element parameter after export | Select this option to store the generated IFC GUIDs in the project file after export. This will add "IFC GUID" parameters to elements and their types, and Project Information for Project, Site, and Building GUIDS. |
Export bounding box | Select this option to export bounding box representations. Clear the option to exclude them. This option is automatically selected for GSA export. |