If you did not include a railing when creating a stair or ramp, you can add a railing afterwards.
When you place a railing on a component-based stair, you can choose to place it on the stair treads or stringers.
Video: Placing a Railing
To change the railing position after placement
Click Architecture tabCirculation panelRailing drop-down (Place on Host).
For placement on stairs only: On the Position panel, click Treads or Stringer.
In the Type Selector, select the type of railing to place.
Select the host component in the drawing area.
Note: Possible host components, such as a stair or ramp without a railing, highlight as you position the cursor over them. When hosting to a multistory stair the railing will be placed in groups matching the groups of the multistory stair. See
Modify a Multistory Stair
To change the railing position between placement on the treads or stringers, select the railing in a plan or elevation view, and click the Flip Railing Direction (double arrow) control.
To further adjust the railing position on the tread/stringer, modify the value of the railing instance property,
Tread/Stringer Offset.
If you place the railing on the stringers, the default value for this property is "1/2 Stringer Width." If you place the railing on the treads, the default value is 1".)