You can modify a wall type to define the structure of vertically compound walls using layers or regions.
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About Compound Walls
Just as roofs, floors, and ceilings can consist of multiple horizontal layers, walls can consist of more than one vertical layer or region.
Modify Compound Walls
When editing the structure of a vertically compound wall, use the Modify tool on the Edit Assembly dialog to perform several functions, including changing the wall thickness, extending layers, and constraining a region.
Split Regions for Compound Walls
When editing the structure of a vertically compound wall, use the Split Region tool to divide a wall layer (or region) horizontally or vertically into new regions. When you split a region, the new regions assume the same material as the original.
Merge Regions for Compound Walls
When editing the structure of a vertically compound wall, use the Merge Regions tool to merge wall regions (or layers) together horizontally or vertically into new regions. Highlight a border between regions and click to merge them.
Assign Layers for Compound Walls
When editing the structure of a compound wall, use the Assign Layers tool to assign a row in the Edit Assembly dialog to a layer or region in the preview pane. The layer then assumes the number, material, and function specified for the row.
Rules for Assigning Layers for Compound Walls
When editing the structure of a compound wall, use the Assign Layers tool to assign a row in the Edit Assembly dialog to a layer or region in the preview pane, and follow these guidelines.
Add a Sweep to a Wall Type
When editing the structure of a vertically compound wall, use the Sweeps tool to control placement and display of sweeps.
Add a Reveal to a Wall Type
When editing the structure of a vertically compound wall, use the Reveal tool to control placement and display of reveals.