Modify a Railing

Modify a railing by editing the path, railing structure, and railing properties.

By modifying the railing structure, you can change the height of the railing, the shape used for each rail (profile), and the number of rails. You can use sketch tools to customize the path of the railing, and apply overrides to the railing joins, where required. The Split tool can be used on a railing without editing the sketch. When the split tool is used, separate railing sketches will be created automatically. Railings hosted to multistory stairs are grouped to match the groups in the multistory stair. Editing the sketch of these railings will alter the entire group. The railing type can be changed for individual railings. Press Tab to select a railing with the group. Modify the railing system type properties to access the Rail Structure and Baluster Placement dialogs, as well as to customize top rail or handrail specifications.

Video: Modify a Railing

To modify a railing sketch

  1. Select the railing, and on the Modify tab, click (Edit Path).
  2. Use tools from the Draw panel to modify the sketch.
  3. Click Toggle Sketch Orientation arrows in the canvas to change the start and end points of the railing sketch..
  4. Optional: When the railing sketch forms a closed loop, click the Move Beginning to Next Corner control in the canvas to reposition the start and end points of the railing. This will affect how the railing hosts on a stair element.
  5. Note: Click Preview on the ribbon to view changes to the railing as the sketch changes.

To modify railing type properties

  1. Select the railing, and on the Properties palette, click (Edit Type).
  2. In the Type Properties dialog, specify properties for the rails and balusters.
    Note: Click Preview to view changes to the railing as you apply them in the dialog.
  3. To modify the type properties for the top rail or handrail (continuous rail), click in the Value field for the Type and click the browse button .

    The Type Properties dialog opens for the associated continuous rail type.

  4. Make any required changes, and click Apply to view your changes in the Preview pane of the railing Type Properties dialog.

    Remember that you are making changes to the type properties for the continuous rail, so any changes you make will apply to all instances of this type in the model.

To modify railing instance properties

  1. Select the railing in the drawing area.
  2. Modify values for properties on the Properties palette.

To reset the railing after making instance property changes

  1. In a plan view or 3D view, select the railing.
  2. On the Tools panel, click (Reset Railing).

    Instance overrides are removed. Changes made to the railing type, including structural changes, are not removed with this tool.