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ICadComponent Properties

The ICadComponent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColor
Gets or sets the appearance (i.e. color or other appearance name) of a component occurrence.
Public propertyiComponentIsActive
Gets or sets a value to specify whether an iPart or iAssembly component is active or not. If this is true, the specified component occurrence is active (unsuppressed). If this is false, the component is suppressed.
Public propertyInventorComponent
Finds a component with the specified name in this assembly or in any subassemblies.
Public propertyInventorComponentInThisContext
Finds a component with the specified name in this assembly or in any subassemblies. Even if the component is found in a subassembly, the ComponentOccurrence returned will be in the context of this higher-level assembly (the assembly from which the rule is run).
Public propertyIsActive
Gets or sets a value to specify whether the component is active or not. If this is true, the specified component occurrence is active (unsuppressed). If this is false, the component is suppressed.
Public propertySkipDocumentSave
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets the visibility of a component occurrence.
See Also