Core category - Stingray Lua API Reference
This category contains many of the high-level API elements needed by most projects, such as the
core stingray.Application and stingray.World objects.
Interface to access global application functionality.
Interface to access firing events on xbox one.
Interface to access PlayGo on PS4.
Interface to interact with the Stingray plugin system.
Interface to create/destroy render resources.
Represents a game camera.
Represents a level that has been loaded into the runtime game world.
Represents a material.
Opaque object representing a RenderResource
An interface for loading and unloading packages (groups of resources that you define in data files
with the .package extension).
NOTE: This object and its API are considered deprecated in favor of the workflow based on entities.
A class that can play stories, or cutscenes.
Represents a viewport: a container for a view into the 3D world.
Represents an application window on Win32 and MacOS X.
Represents a game world.