Events - stingray.Events namespace reference - Stingray Lua API Reference
Interface to access firing events on xbox one.
This functions sets up all the various events the game can fire.
Parameters events : | table |
The table of events descriptions. This is auto-generated with the tools/one_shot_tools/xboxone-man-to-lua.rb script.
Returns | This function does not return any values. |
write ( event_name, event_args )
This functions fires an event (e.g. EnemyDefeated etc).
Parameters event_name : | string |
The name of the event to fire. Must match one of the names passed in the table to setup().
event_args : | table |
The table of arguments for the event to fire. Must match the number and order of arguments defined in the table passed to setup().
Arguments can be int, float, string or GUID.
Returns | This function does not return any values. |