A global singleton that represents a keyboard connected to a Synergy server.
Use Synergy.connect() to connect to a
Synergy server if you want to use the Synergy keyboard.
Available only in development builds.
The SynergyKeyboard accepts the printable ASCII characters:
, !, ", #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,,
-, ., /, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
:, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, A, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S,
T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, [, \\, ], ^, _, `,
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m,
n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z,
{, |, }, ~
All types of input controllers have built-in sets of named buttons and "axes" that represent the different
ways users can provide input to the controller.
- Each button can be pressed or released in any given frame. You can detect these events by calling pressed()
and released(). The controller will also produce a value between 0
and 1 for that button, which you can retrieve by calling button().
- Each axis can produce a Vector3 value. In some cases this value is normalized: typically when the axis
indicates a variable value along some kind of scale, such as the direction a player is pushing a thumbstick.
For example, a thumbstick on a game pad might be pushed fully to the left (1,0,0), fully up (0,1,0),
diagonally left and up (0.707107, 0.707107, 0), etc. Alternatively, in some cases axes produce
coordinate values in 3D space or in 2D screen space.
To check if the keyboard button k is pressed, you would use:
Similarly, to get the current position of the Windows mouse cursor in 2D screen space, you would use:
Or, to get the direction the player is pushing the right thumbstick on a game pad, you would use:
The names of the buttons and axes you can query are different for each kind of controller, and may be different on
different platforms. If you need to check the available buttons for a device, you can retrieve a current list
by running the following snippets of code in the Status Bar of the editor, or in your game project. Replace
Mouse with the name of the controller whose values you want to check.
Indicates whether or not the controller is active: i.e. connected and working as expected.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns boolean |
Returns true if the controller is active, or false otherwise.
Returns a string that describes the category of input device this controller falls into.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns string |
One of the following values: gamepad, touch_panel, mouse or keyboard.
Indicates whether or not the controller has been attached this frame.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns boolean |
Returns true if the controller was attached this frame, or false otherwise.
Indicates whether or not the controller has been disconnected this frame.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns boolean |
Returns true if the controller was disconnected this frame, or false otherwise.
Returns a unique name for the controller: e.g. "Xbox Controller 1".
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns string |
A string that contains a unique name for the controller.
In most cases this name will be a variant
of the string returned by type(), with an additional counter added.
Returns a description of the hardware device used for this controller.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns string |
A string that describes the type of the controller device.
This identifier will be the
same for all controllers of the same model (with some exceptions): e.g. xbox_controller, logitech_mx518_mouse
or generic_105_key_keyboard. Note that this value may be the same regardless of the input device model on some
Returns the user id of the user using the pad.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns integer? |
The Xbox Live or PSN ID of the user using the pad, or nil if there is no
user connected to the pad.
The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it. |
Only available in games running on
PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, not on Windows.
The functions in this group relate to getting values from the buttons and axes tracked by this controller.
Indicates whether or not the player pressed any buttons at all in the current frame.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns integer? |
The id of the first button that the player pressed this frame, or nil if the
player did not press any buttons.
The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it. |
If so, returns
the id of the first button the player pressed.
Indicates whether or not the player released any buttons at all in the current frame.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns integer? |
The id of the first button that the player released this frame, or nil if the
player did not release any buttons.
The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it. |
If so, returns
the id of the first button the player released.
axis ( id, dead_zone_mode, dead_zone_size ) : stingray.Vector3
Returns the input value for a single axis of the controller.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the axis whose value will be retrieved.
dead_zone_mode : | integer? |
Specifies the kind of dead zone to be applied before returning the value read from
the controller. This value may be any of the dead zone mode
constants. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the dead_zone_size.
If omitted, the default dead zone values you set using [InputController.set_dead_zone()]
are used.
The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it. |
dead_zone_size : | number? |
The size of the dead zone to apply to the value read from the controller.
The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it. |
Returns stingray.Vector3 |
The input value of the controller for the axis with the specified id.
Note that the dead zone configuration controls are only available for non-touch interfaces.
Retrieves the id of the axis with the specified name in the controller, if any.
Parameters name : | string |
The name of the axis whose id you want to retrieve.
Returns integer |
The id of the axis, or nil if no axis is found with a matching name.
Retrieves the name of the axis with the specified id in the controller.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the axis whose name you want to retrieve.
Returns string |
The name of the axis.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the button whose value you want to retrieve.
Returns number |
The current value of the button, expressed as a value between 0 and 1.
Parameters name : | string |
The name of the button whose id you want to retrieve.
Returns integer |
The id of the button, or nil if no button is found with a matching name.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the button whose name you want to retrieve.
Returns string |
The name of the button in the locale set for the controller.
This is typically
useful only for keyboard controllers.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the button whose name you want to retrieve.
Returns string |
The name of the button, or an empty string
if no button is found with a matching id.
Returns the number of axes on the controller.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns integer |
The number of axes on the controller.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns integer |
The number of buttons on the controller.
Indicates whether or not the player pressed the button with the specified id during this frame.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the button you want to test.
Returns boolean |
Returns true if the player pressed the button during this frame, of false otherwise.
Indicates whether or not the player released the button with the specified id during this frame.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the button you want to test.
Returns boolean |
Returns true if the player released the button during this frame, of false otherwise.
A "dead zone" is a region in which the input values read by the controller are clamped to zero.
When a controller such as a thumbstick becomes old or loose, its "at-rest" position may cause a small input
value to be sent to the game engine, even though the player is not actively pressing on the controller. This
can cause visual artifacts such as characters or cameras that continually rotate or slide.
The dead zone mitigates this problem by applying minimum thresholds to the input values, below which the values
are assumed to be noise rather than intentional input from the player.
Specifies a dead zone whose size value is interpreted as the radius of a circle.
Input values that fall inside
the circle are ignored.
Specifies a dead zone whose size value is applied independently along each cooordinate axis, making the dead
zone a square box.
Input values that fall inside the square are ignored.
Specifies no dead zone at all.
The engine provides the raw input values read from the controller.
Returns the current dead zone settings for the specified axis on this controller.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the axis whose dead zone value will be retrieved.
Returns integer |
Specifies the kind of dead zone that will be applied when accessing the value read from
the controller for the specified axis. This value may be any of the
dead zone mode constants.
number |
The size of the dead zone to apply to the value read from the controller.
Sets the default dead zone values for a single axis of the controller.
Parameters id : | integer |
The id of the axis whose default dead zone will be set.
dead_zone_mode : | integer |
Specifies the kind of dead zone to be applied before returning the values read from
the controller. This value may be any of the dead zone mode
dead_zone_size : | number |
The size of the dead zone to apply to the values read from the controller.
Returns | This function does not return any values. |
These default dead zone values will be
called when you retrieve the controller's input value for an axis by calling axis() without specifying any dead
zone settings in your function call.
The engine has a built-in rumble effect system that lets you play rumble pulses with specific strength and duration
on supporting devices.
When you use the rumble effect system, you only need to call rumble_effect() once to start a rumble effect. The engine
will take care of modulating the rumble and fade it out at the end of its duration. If there are multiple rumble effects
in play, their effects are added.
A rumble effect works analogously to a synthesizer note: it is a sine wave played within an ADSR-envelope (see
If you need more detailed control over the rumbling, you can use the set_rumble() method instead. That method allows you
to directly set the rumble strength of each motor. Note that if you use this method, you are responsible for fading out
the rumbles, and for applying any changes you want.
If you use both rumble_effect() and set_rumble(), the values are added.
The functions in this category are only useful for input controllers that contain rumble motors, like console gamepads.
The names of the rumble motors are:
- left
- right
- left_trigger (only available when running on Xbox One, not on Windows.)
- right_trigger (only available when running on Xbox One, not on Windows.)
Rumble settings are only available for PlayStation 4 when running on a PlayStation 4, not when using a PlayStation 4
controller on Windows.
Indicates whether or not the specified rumble event is playing on the specified motor.
Parameters motor_id : | integer |
The id of the rumble motor you want to test.
ID : | integer |
The ID of the rumble effect.
Returns boolean |
Returns true if a rumble event with the specified ID was created by a call to rumble_effect()
and that effect is still playing, or false otherwise.
Retrieves the number of rumble controllers supported by this kind of controller.
Parameters | This function does not accept any parameters. |
Returns integer |
The number of rumble motors in the controller.
Starts a new rumble effect on the specified motor.
Parameters motor_id : | integer |
The id of the rumble motor you want to activate.
params : | input_rumble_params |
A table that provides detailed settings for the new rumble effect.
Returns integer |
An ID for the newly created rumble effect.
Retrieves the id of the rumble motor with the specified name.
Parameters motor_name : | string |
The name of the rumble motor whose id you want to retrieve.
Returns integer? |
The id of the rumble motor, or nil if no such motor exists.
The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it. |
Retrieves the name of the rumble motor with the specified id.
Parameters motor_id : | integer |
The id of the rumble motor whose name you want to retrieve.
Returns string |
The name of the rumble motor.
Starts a new rumble effect on the specified motor.
Parameters motor_id : | integer |
The id of the rumble motor you want to activate.
value : | number |
The strength of the rumble to set, expressed as a value between 0 (no rumble)
and 1 (full strength).
Returns | This function does not return any values. |
The rumble continues at the same strength until you
change it either by calling set_rumble() again, or by calling rumble_effect().
Determines whether or not the rumble engine should be enabled for this controller.
Parameters do_rumble : | boolean |
Use true to enable the rumble engine for this controller, or false to disable rumbling.
Returns | This function does not return any values. |
Parameters motor_id : | integer |
The id of the rumble motor you want to deactivate.
Returns | This function does not return any values. |
Stops a rumble effect that was previously created by a call to rumble_effect().
Parameters motor_id : | integer |
The id of the rumble motor you want to deactivate.
ID : | integer |
The ID of the rumble effect.
Returns | This function does not return any values. |
Use the _id versions of these functions instead.
Parameters name : | string |
The name of the axis whose id you want to retrieve.
Returns integer |
The index of the axis, or nil if no axis is found with a matching name.
Axes must be referred to by IDs, not indices. Please use axis_id() instead.
Parameters name : | string |
The name of the button whose id you want to retrieve.
Returns integer |
The index of the button, or nil if no button is found with a matching name.
Buttons must be referred to by IDs, not indices. Please use button_id() instead.
Parameters motor_name : | string |
The name of the rumble motor whose id you want to retrieve.
Returns integer? |
The index of the rumble motor, or nil if no such motor exists.
The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it. |
Rumble motors must be referred to by IDs, not indices. Please use rumble_motor_id() instead.
The functions in this category are only available for PlayStation 4 pads.
Note that PlayStation 4, users can be logged in on pads. Unless your game is specified as a single player game,
users can log in and log out at any time. Therefore you need to call user_id() in your main loop to poll for changes.
Sets the light bar on the controller to the specified color.
Parameters color : | color |
The new color for the light bar.
Returns | This function does not return any values. |
Only available for PlayStation 4 pads in games running on the PlayStation 4.