AnimationCurves - stingray.AnimationCurves object reference - Stingray Lua API Reference
An interface for sampling custom animation curves.
sample ( self, object, parameter, time, step_sampling ) : number+
Samples a curve at the specified time.
Parameters self : | stingray.AnimationCurves |
Specifies the object instance that this function will act on.
object : | string |
The name of the object that owns the animated parameter.
parameter : | string |
The parameter associated with the object.
time : | number |
The time of the animation to sample, specified in seconds from the start of the curve.
step_sampling : | boolean? |
Optional. If set to true, the returned values will represent the exact value
of the last key before the given time. Otherwise, linear interpolation is used.
The ? notation indicates that this type is optional: there may be zero or one instances of it. |
Returns number+ |
The sampled values.
The + notation indicates that there may be one or more instances of the specified type. |
The curve for the requested object and parameter can
have multiple values; for example, the curve can represent a vector or a color value. If so, each
value will be returned in order.