C++ API Reference
#include "createMetadataCmd.h"
#include "metadataPluginStrings.h"
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MStringResource.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MFileObject.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/adskDataStream.h>
#include <maya/adskDataChannel.h>
#include <maya/adskDataAssociations.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string>
using namespace adsk::Data;
#define F_RAND float((4000000.0 * ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)) - 2000000.0)
#define D_RAND ((4000000000.0 * ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)) - 2000000000.0)
// Command flag names
static const char* flagChannelName ( "-cn" );
static const char* flagChannelNameLong ( "-channelName" );
static const char* flagStreamName ( "-sn" );
static const char* flagStreamNameLong ( "-streamName" );
static const char* flagStructure ( "-s" );
static const char* flagStructureLong ( "-structure" );
// Get the syntax information. Initializes the shared flags. Derived commands
// can add on their own flags after calling this routine.
MSyntax createMetadataCmd::cmdSyntax()
MSyntax syntax;
syntax.addFlag(flagChannelName, flagChannelNameLong, MSyntax::kString);
syntax.addFlag(flagStreamName, flagStreamNameLong, MSyntax::kString);
syntax.addFlag(flagStructure, flagStructureLong, MSyntax::kString);
// No query or edit.
syntax.enableQuery( false );
syntax.enableEdit( false );
// Seed the random numbers for later
srand( 123 );
return syntax;
// Creator function: returns a new command object
void* createMetadataCmd::creator()
return new createMetadataCmd;
// Returns the name of this command
const char* createMetadataCmd::name()
return "createMetadata";
// Default command constructor
: fNodes()
, fDGModifier()
, fIndexList()
, fChannelName()
, fStreamName()
, fStructure( (adsk::Data::Structure*) 0 )
// Destructor, does nothing
// This command is undoable
createMetadataCmd::isUndoable() const
return true;
// Check the parsed arguments and do/undo/redo the command as appropriate
MStatus createMetadataCmd::checkArgs(MArgDatabase& argsDb)
MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
// -structure flag
fStructureFlag.parse(argsDb, flagStructure);
if( fStructureFlag.isSet() )
if( ! fStructureFlag.isArgValid() )
MString errMsg( MStringResource::getString(kInvalidString, status) );
displayError( errMsg );
return MS::kFailure;
MString structureName( fStructureFlag.arg() );
fStructure = adsk::Data::Structure::structureByName( structureName.asChar() );
if( ! fStructure )
MString fmt( MStringResource::getString(kCreateMetadataStructureNotFound, status) );
MString msg;
msg.format( fmt, structureName );
return MS::kFailure;
MString err( MStringResource::getString(kCreateMetadataNoStructureName,status) );
displayError( err );
return MS::kFailure;
// -streamName flag
fStreamNameFlag.parse(argsDb, flagStreamName);
if( fStreamNameFlag.isSet() )
if( ! fStreamNameFlag.isArgValid() )
MString errMsg( MStringResource::getString(kInvalidString, status) );
displayError( errMsg );
return MS::kFailure;
fStreamName = fStreamNameFlag.arg();
MString err( MStringResource::getString(kCreateMetadataNoStreamName,status) );
displayError( err );
return MS::kFailure;
// -channelName flag
fChannelNameFlag.parse(argsDb, flagChannelName);
if( fChannelNameFlag.isSet() )
if( ! fChannelNameFlag.isArgValid() )
MString errMsg( MStringResource::getString(kInvalidString, status) );
displayError( errMsg );
return MS::kFailure;
fChannelName = fChannelNameFlag.arg().asChar();
MString err( MStringResource::getString(kCreateMetadataNoChannelName,status) );
displayError( err );
return MS::kFailure;
// (selection list)
// Commands need at least one node on which to operate so gather up
// the list of nodes specified and/or selected.
// Empty out the list of nodes on which to operate so that it can be
// populated from the selection or specified lists.
MSelectionList objects;
status = argsDb.getObjects(objects);
MStatError(status, "argsDb.getObjects()");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<objects.length(); ++i)
MObject node;
status = objects.getDependNode(i, node);
MStatError(status, "objects.getDependNode()");
fNodes.append( node );
if( fNodes.length() == 0 )
MString msg = MStringResource::getString(kObjectNotFoundError, status);
return status;
// Do the metadata creation. The metadata will be randomly initialized
// based on the channel type and the structure specified. For recognized
// components the number of metadata elements will correspond to the count
// of components in the selected mesh, otherwise a random number of metadata
// elements between 1 and 100 will be created (at consecutive indices).
// The previously existing metadata is preserved for later undo.
MStatus createMetadataCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
MStatus status;
MArgDatabase argsDb(syntax(), args, &status);
if (MS::kSuccess != status) return status;
status = checkArgs(argsDb);
if( MS::kSuccess != status )
return status;
for( unsigned int i=0; i<fNodes.length(); ++i )
MFnDependencyNode node( fNodes[i] );
// Get the current metadata (empty if none yet)
adsk::Data::Associations newMetadata( node.metadata() );
adsk::Data::Channel newChannel = newMetadata.channel( fChannelName );
// Check to see if the requested stream name already exists
adsk::Data::Stream* oldStream = newChannel.dataStream( fStreamName.asChar() );
if( oldStream )
MString fmt = MStringResource::getString(kCreateMetadataHasStream, status);
MString msg;
msg.format( fmt, fStreamName );
displayError( msg );
status = MS::kFailure;
adsk::Data::Stream newStream( *fStructure, fStreamName.asChar() );
unsigned int indexCount = 0;
// Treat the channel type initializations different for meshes
if( fNodes[i].hasFn(MFn::kMesh) )
MFnMesh mesh( fNodes[i], &status );
// Get mesh-specific channel type parameters
if( fChannelName == "face" )
indexCount = mesh.numPolygons();
else if( fChannelName == "edge" )
indexCount = mesh.numEdges();
else if( fChannelName == "vertex" )
indexCount = mesh.numVertices();
else if( fChannelName == "vertexFace" )
indexCount = mesh.numFaceVertices();
indexCount = rand() % 100 + 1;
// Create generic channel type information
indexCount = rand() % 100 + 1;
// Fill specified stream ranges with random data
unsigned int structureMemberCount = fStructure->memberCount();
for( unsigned int m=0; m<indexCount; ++m )
// Walk each structure member and fill with random data
// tailored to the member data type.
adsk::Data::Handle handle( *fStructure );
for( unsigned int i=0; i<structureMemberCount; ++i )
handle.setPositionByMemberIndex( i );
for( unsigned int d=0; d<handle.dataLength(); ++d )
switch( handle.dataType() )
case adsk::Data::Member::kBoolean:
bool* data = handle.asBoolean();
data[d] = (rand() % 2 == 1);
case adsk::Data::Member::kDouble:
double* data = handle.asDouble();
data[d] = D_RAND;
case adsk::Data::Member::kDoubleMatrix4x4:
double* data = handle.asDoubleMatrix4x4();
data[d*16+0] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+1] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+2] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+3] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+4] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+5] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+6] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+7] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+8] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+9] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+10] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+11] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+12] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+13] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+14] = D_RAND;
data[d*16+15] = D_RAND;
case adsk::Data::Member::kFloat:
float* data = handle.asFloat();
data[d] = F_RAND;
case adsk::Data::Member::kFloatMatrix4x4:
float* data = handle.asFloatMatrix4x4();
data[d*16+0] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+1] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+2] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+3] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+4] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+5] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+6] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+7] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+8] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+9] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+10] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+11] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+12] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+13] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+14] = F_RAND;
data[d*16+15] = F_RAND;
case adsk::Data::Member::kInt8:
signed char* data = handle.asInt8();
data[d] = rand() % 255 - 127;
case adsk::Data::Member::kInt16:
short* data = handle.asInt16();
data[d] = rand() % 65535 - 32767;
case adsk::Data::Member::kInt32:
int* data = handle.asInt32();
data[d] = (rand()/2) * (rand() % 2 == 1 ? 1 : -1);
case adsk::Data::Member::kInt64:
int64_t* data = handle.asInt64();
data[d] = rand() * 10 * (rand() % 2 == 1 ? 1 : -1);
case adsk::Data::Member::kUInt8:
unsigned char* data = handle.asUInt8();
data[d] = rand() % 255;
case adsk::Data::Member::kUInt16:
unsigned short* data = handle.asUInt16();
data[d] = rand() % 65535;
case adsk::Data::Member::kUInt32:
unsigned int* data = handle.asUInt32();
data[d] = rand();
case adsk::Data::Member::kUInt64:
uint64_t* data = handle.asUInt64();
data[d] = rand() * 10;
case adsk::Data::Member::kString:
char** data = handle.asString();
data[d] = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char) * 9);
for( unsigned int s=0; s<8; ++s )
data[d][s] = rand() % 26 + 'a';
data[d][8] = '\0';
// Shouldn't ever happen
assert( false );
newStream.setElement( m, handle );
newChannel.setDataStream( newStream );
newMetadata.setChannel( newChannel );
fDGModifier.setMetadata( fNodes[i], newMetadata );
status = fDGModifier.doIt();
if( MS::kSuccess == status )
// Set the result to the number of actual metadata values set as a
// triple value:
// (# nodes, # metadata elements, # members per element)
MIntArray theResult;
theResult.append( (int) fNodes.length() );
theResult.append( (int) indexCount );
theResult.append( (int) structureMemberCount );
setResult( theResult );
MString fmt = MStringResource::getString(kCreateMetadataCreateFailed, status);
MString msg;
msg.format( fmt, node.name() );
displayError( msg );
return status;
// Redo the import, restoring the originally imported metadata onto the
// mesh(es).
MStatus createMetadataCmd::redoIt()
return fDGModifier.doIt();
// Undo the import, restoring the prior metadata to the mesh(es).
MStatus createMetadataCmd::undoIt()
return fDGModifier.undoIt();
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This computer source code and related instructions and comments are
// the unpublished confidential and proprietary information of Autodesk,
// Inc. and are protected under applicable copyright and trade secret
// law. They may not be disclosed to, copied or used by any third party
// without the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
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