C++ API Reference
adsk::Data Namespace Reference

Contains classes related to data management. More...


 Utility functions to read metadata from Maya files.


class  Accessor
 Class used to read and write metadata from/to an existing file. More...
class  AccessorFactory
 Calls the specified Accessor type's default constructor. More...
class  AccessorFactoryBase
 Base class for Accessor factories. More...
class  Associations
 Class handling associations between internal and external data. More...
class  AssociationsIterator
 Class handling iteration over Channels in an Associations object. More...
class  AssociationsSerializer
 Class handling the definition of the format for serialization of adsk::Data::Associations. More...
class  Attach
 Helper class to manage attachment of metadata to other class objects. More...
class  AttachDirectly
 Helper class to provide a simple implementation the the adsk::Data::Attach interface. More...
class  Channel
 Class handling a named association of a data array with other data. More...
class  ChannelIterator
 Class handling iteration over Streams in a Channel object. More...
class  ChannelSerializer
 Class handling the definition of the format for serialization of data Channels. More...
class  CRTP_IndexType
 This CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern) class implements some shared methods which all derived classes can use, and for whom the implementations use the same pattern. More...
class  Handle
 Class handling access to specific data members of a structured type. More...
class  Index
 Lightweight class handling index values. More...
class  IndexPair
 Index type which uses a pair of IndexCount values for the index mapping. More...
class  IndexString
 Index type which uses a String for the index mapping. More...
class  IndexType
 Complex index type for referencing metadata. More...
class  SerializerInitializer
 Helper : Instantiate to automatically (de)register a serializaton format Requires that the template parameter class has implemented the registerFormat() and deregisterFormat() methods. More...
class  Stream
 Class handling a list of generic data. More...
class  StreamIterator
 Class handling iteration over Stream members. More...
class  StreamSerializer
 Class handling the definition of the format for serialization of data streams. More...
class  Structure
 Class handling the definition of the structure of a piece of data. More...
class  StructureIterator
 Helper class for iterating over structure members. More...
class  StructureIteratorImpl
 Helper class to contain the implementation-specific information. More...
class  StructureSerializer
 Class handling the definition of the format for serialization of data structures. More...
class  StructureSerializerDebug
 Class handling the data structure format type "Debug". More...

Detailed Description

Contains classes related to data management.