The meshing procedure for faceted (STL) models and models that have been Surface Wrapped is similar to the procedure for meshing models imported directly from CAD systems. The requirements and guidelines for generating a quality mesh suitable for simulation are the same. The biggest difference is the arrangement of some of the controls for controlling and refining the mesh distribution.
Autodesk® CFD performs a comprehensive topological interrogation of the analysis geometry and determines the mesh size and distribution on every edge, surface, and volume in the model. Geometric curvature, gradients, and proximity to neighboring geometry are all considered when assigning element sizes and mesh distributions.
It does not matter which selection mode (volume, surface, or edge) is active when this button is clicked.
This process is fast, but can take a few minutes for models that contain more than 3000 edges.
To access the meshing tools, click Setup (tab) > Setup Tasks (panel) > Mesh Sizing:
You can use these tools to help you define, modify, and preview the mesh.
There are multiple ways to apply Automatic Sizing:
Use the controls on the Autosize tab of the Mesh Settings dialog to control part suppression and to customize the mesh distribution. You can access several of these tools from the left click context tool bar and from the Automatic Sizing context panel.
To modify the mesh distribution on the model:
The following topics contain additional information that can help you to use Automatic Mesh Sizing for surface wrapped and faceted models effectively: