XY Plot

Use XY Plots to create graphs of Autodesk® CFD analysis results. Available with Results Planes, they provide a convenient way to extract and present analysis results data.

To Create an XY Plot

Create an XY plot by selecting points on a cutting surface, by entering point coordinates, or with points saved from a previous plot. The maximum number of points in an xy plot is 500.

Step 1: Create a Results Plane and open the XY Plot dialog

Step 2: Select the method of point selection:

Note: You can use saved point locations to create a plot on a different scenario.

Step 3: Enter a Title

Step 4: Change the Number of Divisions

Note: The number of divisions must between 2 and 500.

Step 5: Create the Plot

The XY Plot Dialog

The resulting plot appears in a separate window. There are several ways to customize the appearance of the plot.

To change the plotted result

This is the quantity plotted on the Y axis. The X axis quantity is the parametric distance along the path between selected points.

To change the Y-axis units:

  1. Right click anywhere on the XY plot.
  2. Select Units.
  3. Select the desired units.

The Y-axis label updates to show the new label, and the Y-axis values are converted to the selected units.

To change the axis labels:

  1. Right click anywhere on the XY plot.
  2. Select either Change X-Axis Label or Change Y-Axis Label.
  3. Enter the new label.

Press the Set Default button to reset the axis label to its original value.

To hide the minimum and maximum axis values, uncheck Display min/max Values

To change the background color:

  1. Right click on the XY plot
  2. Select Background Color
  3. Select the color on the Color Selection dialog

To Compare XY Plots from Multiple Scenarios

The preceding steps describe how to plot results data from a single Scenario. This is useful for understanding the performance and characteristics of that scenario. To make educated design decisions, however, it is essential to compare the same data from multiple scenarios within the design study.

To make a plot available for the comparison, check the Summary box on the Plot dialog.

This designates the plot as a Summary plot, and adds the plot to the XY Plot Data branch of the Decision Center.

Summary plots are XY plots between the same plot locations from multiple Scenarios.

For more about Summary XY Plots