To Convert Drawing Files Using Windows Explorer

Use this procedure to convert drawing files to constructs/elements by dragging and dropping them from Windows Explorer.

Windows Explorer offers 3 different modes of conversion:

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Navigator .
  2. Click the Constructs tab.
  3. Start Windows Explorer, and position it next to the Project Navigator.
  4. In Windows Explorer, open the folder that contains the drawing file.
  5. Place the drawing in the Constructs/Elements category or one of its subcategories:
    If you want to… Then…
    move the drawing into the selected category, and convert it to a construct/element drag the drawing into the desired location in the Drawing Explorer.
    move a copy of the drawing into the selected category, and convert it to a construct/element press Ctrl and drag the drawing into the desired location in the Drawing Explorer.
    create a link to the drawing in its original location, and convert it to a construct/element press Alt and drag the drawing into the desired location in the Drawing Explorer.
    Note: You can also drag an entire folder into the project. The folder is converted into a category, and all drawings within it are converted to constructs/elements.
  6. Define the construct/element properties:
    If you want to… Then…
    change the name of the drawing file enter a new name. If the project number is used as a prefix for project file names, you do not need to enter the prefix here. The complete name with prefix is displayed under File Name.
    enter a description for the construct/element click the setting for Description, enter a description of the construct/element, and click OK.
    change the category of the construct/element select from the Category list. By default, the category you chose in step 5 is suggested.
    assign the construct to a level and a division select the correct level and division in the assignments table. Select the desired level row and the division column, and check the appropriate box.
    Note: Unless you are defining a spanning construct, you should check only one level and division. Multiple levels and divisions create spanning constructs.
  7. Click OK.