To Rough Out the Three Pockets

The next step is to rough out the three pockets with an Adaptive Clearing strategy.

  1. On the ribbon, click CAM tab 2D Milling panel 2D Adaptive .

Tool tab

  1. Click to open the Tool Library.
  2. From the CAM Mania Tutorial library, select #1 - Ø1/4" flat.
  3. Click to close the Tool Library dialog.
  4. Expand the Feed & Speed group and change the following values:
    Tip: Use Copy and Paste to duplicate the settings between the various parameter fields.
  5. Spindle speed to: 10000 rpm
  6. Ramp spindle speed to: 10000 rpm
  7. Cutting feedrate to: 60 in/min
  8. Lead-in feedrate to 30 in/min
  9. Lead-out feedrate to: 30 in/min
  10. Ramp feedrate to: 30 in/min
  11. Plunge feedrate to: 30 in/min
  12. Feed per revolution to: .003 in

Geometry tab

  1. Click the Geometry tab.
  2. Click the Pocket selections button and select the three faces at the bottom of the part.

Linking tab

  1. Click the Linking tab.
  2. Set No-engagement feedrate to: 60 in/min

Start the Calculation

  1. Click , or right-click in the graphics window and select OK from the marking menu, to exit 2D Adaptive and create the toolpath.

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