To Create the Setup (Tutorial 5)

Begin the tutorial by creating a Setup. A setup defines a number of general properties for a set of machining operations - including the Work Coordinate System (WCS), the stock geometry, fixtures, and the machining surfaces. Remember that if you do not create a setup manually before adding your first operation, a setup with default parameters is created for you automatically.

  1. Click CAM tab Job panel Setup to display the Setup dialog box.
  2. You can also right-click on Tutorial5.ipt Operation(s) at the top of the CAM Browser and select New Setup... from the pop-up context menu.

The Setup operations dialog box appears with the Setup tab active

Set the Work Coordinate System (WCS) Origin

In the graphics window, the stock material is created automatically around the bounding box of the part. The model orientation is shown by the WCS at the top of the part. The XYZ orientation is correct, but the WCS origin needs to be redefined.

  1. In the Work Coordinate System (WCS) group, select Stock box point from the Origin: drop-down menu.
  2. Click the Stock point button and select the point (represented by a back dot) at the lower-left corner at the top of the stock.

    The WCS is located on the Stock point at the lower-left corner at the top of the stock

Define the Model Surfaces

Although defining the machining surfaces is not strictly necessary, we do it here as an exercise for more complicated setups.

  1. In the Model group, click the Model button.
  2. Click the model within the stock, to select the part as the machining surfaces.

  3. Selecting the model within the bounding box

Define the Stock

Defining the stock on a simple example like this is not strictly necessary since Inventor CAMcan use the Relative size box mode default settings as the bounding box of the model. Defining the stock to match that actually used on the machine does, however, make the stock simulation more accurate.

Important: On machining assemblies with multiple parts and/or fixtures in the assembly, this exercise will prove useful.
  1. Click the Stock tab.
  2. From the Mode: drop down menu, select Relative size box.
  3. From the Stock offset mode: drop down menu, select Add stock to sides and top-bottom.
  4. Change Side offset: to: 0 mm
  5. Change Top offset: to: 1 mm
  6. Change Bottom offset: to: 1 mm
  7. Finally, click at the bottom of the Setup dialog box, or right-click in the graphics window and select OK from the marking menu, to exit the setup procedure.

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