About Inventor Environments

Explains the drawing and modeling environments provided by different Inventor products.

The environments within Inventor are purpose/task driven. When you enter an environment, all relevant commands and tools, and feedback to reinforce actions are available.

The base environments are also document or file types. All other types of environments in Autodesk Inventor, such as sketch, construction, and the specialized environments such as Studio, are not specific document or file types.

Base Environments

You can access the 2D and 3D sketch environments within the Part, Assembly, and Drawing base environments.

Within the Part, Assembly, and Drawing environments, specialized environments are available for performing certain tasks.

Assembly Environment (not available in Inventor LT)

The Assembly environment includes access to:

Part Environment

The Part environment provides access to:

Specialized Environments

The specialized environments are available on the Environments tab. Each specialized environment has its own contextual tab, with commands specific to that environment. For example, when you enter the Studio environment, a new tab labeled Render displays in green. The green color indicates that you are working in a specialized environment.

On the far right of the ribbon, the Exit/Finish (environment) command returns you to the general working environment.

Use Return to leave in-place editing and quickly return to the desired environment. The destination depends on which modeling environment you are working in.

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