Edits the properties of frame members, and controls the position of frame members in relation to the model.
- Access
- Ribbon:
Design tab
Frame panel
Frame Member Selection Specifies the properties of the frame members in a machine frame.
- Standard
- Specifies a standard for the frame members. To disable edits for Standard, clear the check box. When you edit the standard, you create a frame member in the assembly, and a file naming dialog box is displayed.
Some end treatments can be lost when you change the Standard. In that case, a warning is displayed before the operation is completed.
- Family
- Specifies a family for the frame members you select. You can browse the CC for a family, and select a profile. To disable edits for Family, clear the check box. When you edit the family, you create a frame member in the assembly, and a file naming dialog box is displayed.
Some end treatments can be lost when you change the Family. In that case, a warning is displayed before the operation is completed.
- Size
- Specifies a size for selected frame members. Select a size. The old frame member is saved onto disk, and a new frame member is created in the assembly. A file naming dialog box is displayed for the new frame member. If you do not enter a new file name, then a new frame member is not created in the assembly. A warning dialog box displays.
When you change only the size value, all cut treatments and other features you defined are retained.
To disable changes to Size, clear the check box.
- Material
- Specifies a material for the frame members you select. To disable changes to Material, clear the check box.
- Appearance
- Specifies an appearance for the frame members in the graphics window. To disable changes to appearances, clear the check box.
- Copy Properties
- Copies the frame member information and orientation. Select a member and then use the drop-list to copy All, Only Frame Member, or Only Orientation to the dialog.
Orientation controls how a frame member is aligned with the model.
Radio buttons adjust the position of a frame member on the model. When you select a radio button, the new orientation becomes the origin for vertical offset, horizontal offset, mirror, and rotation. The associated model in the graphics window is updated accordingly.
- Vertical Offset
- Specifies a vertical distance between the frame member and the model. Zero positions the frame member so that it touches the edge of the model.
- Horizontal Offset
- Specifies the horizontal distance between the frame member and the model. Zero positions the frame member so that it touches the edge of the model.
- Angle
- Specifies an angle of rotation for the orientation of the frame member to the model.
- Align
- Check the box to align a frame to specified geometry (planar face, linear edge, work axis, work plane or sketch line). When you check this box, Mirror Frame Member button is not available.
- Mirror Frame Member
- Mirrors the frame member in the opposite direction and shows a preview. Mirroring frame members created on an arc or other curve is not supported.
Note: This option is not available if you check the Align box.
- Custom Point
- Enabled if an alternate insertion point was defined during authoring. The selected control is the one used during insertion. You can change the selection to any insertion point.
- Change Orientation
- Enables/disables the settings in the Orientation area of the dialog box.
- Select
- Selects the frame member to change.
- Multi-Select
- Selects multiple frame members to change.
The first frame member you select sets the default standard, type, size, material, appearance, and orientation. Subsequent selections of frame members are changed to use these default settings. To avoid changing to the default settings in subsequent selections, clear the check boxes next to Standard, Family, Size, Material, Appearance, or Orientation.
- Prompt for File Name
- Available when Size, Type, or Standard are selected for change, thus creating a member.
- Get Frame Member’s Part Number from Content Center
- When selected, updates the part number of the frame member to sync with Content Center. Selected by default. When cleared, the part number does not update, and you can enter a custom part number.