Assembly Browser Reference

Allows you to show and hide selected components, search, filter contents, manage access to editing, and use alternate access to functions in the context menu.

Browser Menu Options

In Assembly and Model environments, options reduce the volume of information presented in the browser. Use the following to eliminate the display of selected types of information. Deselect the check mark to cancel the selection.

Select to access Display Preferences and other options:

Search and Filters

See Inventor Browser.

Browser Folders

Note: Create folders to organize the browser nodes into groups or to communicate design intent.

Relationships display a sequential list of all joints and constraints in the assembly. You can quickly change or measure constraint geometry by selecting an item in the Relationships folder. The Edit Values in Browser browser menu option must be enabled.

Representations provide access to View, Position, and Level of Detail representations. Select to define or retrieve a representation.

Context menu options perform actions on contents of the representations folder.

Tip: Select All Visible in the active view menu to restore an Isolate Components operation to full view.

Context menu options

The context menu (right click) presents operations on the selected component, feature, or relationship in the browser. Depending on the browser configuration and the selected item, some or all options are available.

The context menu and viewing options are available when you right-click an item in the graphics window or in the browser.