Creates and saves the frame assembly in the browser hierarchy. All frame solving occurs under the frame assembly.
- Access
- Insert the first frame member to display the Create New Frame dialog box. In the dialog box, specify the new frame file name and location and the new skeleton file name.
- New Frame File Name
- Specifies the default or newly entered name for the new frame assembly file.
- New Frame File Location
- Specifies the location of the folder created in the project workspace for the new frame file. The default file Location is <Parent assembly directory>\<Parent assembly file name>\Frame\
- New Skeleton File Name
- Specifies the default or newly entered name for the skeleton file.
- New Skeleton File Location
- Specifies the location of the new skeleton file.
- OK
- Confirms the entries and adds a new frame assembly to the browser, with a representation for the frame member under the frame assembly.