Scene/IPhysicalCamera.h File Reference

IPhysicalCamera.h File Reference
#include "../gencam.h"
#include "../toneOp.h"
#include "IPhysicalCamera.inline.h"


class  IPhysicalCamera
 Access to the properties of the Physical Camera object. More...
class  IPhysicalCameraToneOperator
 Access to the properties of the Physical Camera Exposure Control. More...
struct  IPhysicalCameraToneOperator::Parameters
 The set of parameters used by the Physical Camera Exposure Control. More...
class  IPhysicalCamera::RenderTransformEvaluationGuard
 A guard class which enables a physical camera INode to evaluate itself for ray-traced rendering (as opposed to viewport rendering). More...


 This API is used to support OLE structured storage streams containing user specified string data in 3ds Max scene files or other OLE Structured Storage based files.