NotificationAPI/NotificationAPIUtils.h File Reference

NotificationAPIUtils.h File Reference
#include <strclass.h>
#include <maxapi.h>


 This API is used to support OLE structured storage streams containing user specified string data in 3ds Max scene files or other OLE Structured Storage based files.
 This namespace exposes 4 private internal calls to the 3dsmax application.


#define NotificationAPIUtilsExport   __declspec(dllimport)


NotificationAPIUtilsExport ViewExpGetActiveViewExpIncludingExtendedViews (bool &outIsAnExtendedView)
 Gets Active ViewExp considering extended and non extended views. More...
NotificationAPIUtilsExport ViewExpGetViewExpFromUndoIDIncludingExtendedViews (int viewUndoID, bool &outIsAnExtendedView)
 Gets the ViewExp from its view undoID considering extended views and all tab panels not only the active tab panel. More...
NotificationAPIUtilsExport void GetViewportLabelFromUndoIDIncludingExtendedViews (int viewUndoID, MSTR &outViewportLabel)
 Gets the viewport label from its view undoID considering extended views and all tab panels not only the active tab panel. More...
NotificationAPIUtilsExport bool IsUsingActiveView (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)
 To know if the renderer is locked. More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define NotificationAPIUtilsExport   __declspec(dllimport)