maxscript/kernel/exceptions.h File Reference

exceptions.h File Reference


class  MAXScriptException
class  MAXScriptException::ScopedMXSCallstackCaptureDisable
 helper class for disabling mxs callstack capture if an exception is thrown. More...
class  MAXScriptException::ScopedCplusplusCallstackCaptureDisable
 helper class for disabling c++ callstack capture if a system exception is thrown. More...
class  MAXScriptRuntimeErrorException
class  UnknownSystemException
class  SignalException
 This is the exception that is thrown if the user breaks execution by pressing and holding the escape key. More...
class  CompileError
class  SyntaxError
class  TypeError
class  NoMethodError
class  AccessorError
class  AssignToConstError
class  ArgCountError
class  RuntimeError
class  UserThrownError
class  DebuggerRuntimeError
class  IncompatibleTypes
class  ConversionError
class  FunctionReturn
class  LoopExit
class  LoopContinue


#define unimplemented(m, t)   throw NoMethodError (m, t)


ScripterExport void ProcessMAXScriptException (MAXScriptException &e, const MCHAR *caption, bool displayErrorMessageBox, bool showSourcePosition, bool isTerminalHandling, bool quietErrors=false)
 This method centralizes the handling of maxscript exceptions in c++ code. More...



Macro Definition Documentation

#define unimplemented (   m,
)    throw NoMethodError (m, t)

Function Documentation

ScripterExport void ProcessMAXScriptException ( MAXScriptException e,
const MCHAR caption,
bool  displayErrorMessageBox,
bool  showSourcePosition,
bool  isTerminalHandling,
bool  quietErrors = false 

This method centralizes the handling of maxscript exceptions in c++ code.

It's typical usage looks like:

ScopedMaxScriptEvaluationContext scopedMaxScriptEvaluationContext; MAXScript_TLS* _tls = scopedMaxScriptEvaluationContext.Get_TLS(); two_value_locals_tls( thingValue, propNameValue ); try { ScopedSaveCurrentFrames scopedSaveCurrentFrames(_tls); vl.thingValue = InterfaceFunction::FPValue_to_val( thing ); vl.propNameValue = Name::intern( propName ); vl.thingValue = vl.thingValue->get_property( &vl.propNameValue, 1 ); vl.thingValue->to_fpvalue( retVal ); } catch (MAXScriptException& e) { ProcessMAXScriptException(e, _T("GetScriptedProperty"), false, false, true); } catch (...) { ProcessMAXScriptException(UnknownSystemException(), _T("GetScriptedProperty"), false, false, true); }

eThe maxscript exception to process
captionThe string to be used in the title bar of the error message box, and is used as part of the verbose description of the exception. Can be null.
displayErrorMessageBoxIf true, an error message box is displayed (unless max is in quiet mode).
showSourcePositionIf true, source position of error is shown in maxscript editor.
isTerminalHandlingIf true, terminal handling of the exception is occurring. If false, the catch will be rethrowing the exception.
quietErrorsIf true, error information is not written to Listener, a brief description of the exception and its source location is written to the log file.

Variable Documentation

MCHAR* null_string