Base class of scene elements such as cameras, lights, helper objects, and geometric objects.
Public Member Functions | |
def | ApplyUVWMap (self, args) |
def | AsParticleObject (self, args) |
def | AsShapeObject (self, args) |
def | AsSplineShape (self, args) |
def | AsTriObject (self, args) |
def | BranchDeleted (self, args) |
def | CanCacheObject (self) |
def | CanConvertToType (self, args) |
def | CheckObjectIntegrity (self) |
def | CollapseObject (self) |
def | ContainedShapeSelectionArray (self) |
def | ConvertToDerivedObject (self) |
def | ConvertToType (self, args) |
def | CopyAdditionalChannels (self, args) |
def | CopyChannelLocks (self, args) |
def | DeleteAllAdditionalChannels (self) |
def | DoOwnSelectHilite (self) |
def | Eval (self, args) |
def | FindBaseObject (self) |
def | FreeChannels (self, args) |
def | GetBranchINode (self, args) |
def | GetChannelLocks (self, args) |
def | GetChannelValidity (self, args) |
def | GetContainedShape (self, args) |
def | GetContainedShapeMatrix (self, args) |
def | GetDeformBBox (self, args) |
def | GetExtendedProperties (self, args) |
def | GetNoEvalInterval (self) |
def | GetNumContainedShapes (self) |
def | GetNumFaces (self, args) |
def | GetNumMapChannels (self) |
def | GetNumMapsUsed (self) |
def | GetNumPipeBranches |
def | GetNumPoints (self) |
def | GetNumSurfaces (self, args) |
def | GetNumVerts (self, args) |
def | GetObjectValidity (self, args) |
def | GetPipeBranch (self, args) |
def | GetPoint (self, args) |
def | GetSubselState (self) |
def | GetSurfacePoint (self, args) |
def | GetWeight (self, args) |
def | GetWorldSpaceObjectNode (self) |
def | HasWeights (self) |
def | InitNodeName (self, args) |
def | IntersectRay (self, args) |
def | InvalidateChannels (self, args) |
def | IsBaseClassOwnedChannel (self, args) |
def | IsDeformable (self) |
def | IsManipulator (self) |
def | IsMappable (self) |
def | IsObjectLocked (self) |
def | IsParamSurface (self) |
def | IsParticleSystem (self) |
def | IsPointSelected (self, args) |
def | IsRenderable (self) |
def | IsShapeObject (self) |
def | IsWorldSpaceObject (self) |
def | LockChannels (self, args) |
def | LockObject (self) |
def | MakeShallowCopy (self, args) |
def | MergeAdditionalChannels (self, args) |
def | NewAndCopyChannels (self, args) |
def | NormalAlignVector (self, args) |
def | PointSelection (self, args) |
def | PointsWereChanged (self) |
def | PreferredCollapseType (self) |
def | ReadyChannelsForMod (self, args) |
def | ReduceCaches (self, args) |
def | SetChannelLocks (self, args) |
def | SetChannelValidity (self, args) |
def | SetNoEvalInterval (self, args) |
def | SetPoint (self, args) |
def | SetSubSelState (self, args) |
def | SetWeight (self, args) |
def | ShallowCopy (self, args) |
def | SurfaceClosedU (self, args) |
def | SurfaceClosedV (self, args) |
def | TopologyChanged (self) |
def | UnlockChannels (self, args) |
def | UnlockObject (self) |
def | UpdateValidity (self, args) |
def | UseSelectionBrackets (self) |
def | UsesWireColor (self) |
def | WSStateInvalidate (self) |
![]() | |
def | ActivateSubSelSet (self, args) |
def | ChangeTopology (self) |
def | ClearSelection (self, args) |
def | ForceNotify (self, args) |
def | GetLocalBoundBox (self, args) |
def | GetNamedSelSetName (self, args) |
def | GetNumNamedSelSets (self) |
def | GetNumSubObjTypes (self) |
def | GetObjectName (self) |
def | GetSubObjectLevel (self) |
def | GetSubObjType (self, args) |
def | GetSubObjTypeName (self, args) |
def | GetWorldBoundBox (self, args) |
def | HasUVW (self, args) |
def | HasViewDependentBoundingBox (self) |
def | HitTest (self, args) |
def | InvertSelection (self, args) |
def | Move (self, args) |
def | NewSetFromCurSel (self, args) |
def | OKToChangeTopology (self, args) |
def | RemoveSubSelSet (self, args) |
def | Rotate (self, args) |
def | Scale (self, args) |
def | SelectAll (self, args) |
def | SetGenUVW (self, args) |
def | SetNamedSelSetName (self, args) |
def | SetupNamedSelDropDown (self) |
def | SupportsNamedSubSels (self) |
def | TransformCancel (self, args) |
def | TransformFinish (self, args) |
def | TransformHoldingFinish (self, args) |
def | TransformHoldingStart (self, args) |
def | TransformStart (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | FindDependentNode (self) |
def | MaybeAutoDelete (self) |
def | NotifyTarget (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | ClearFlagInHierarchy (self, args) |
def | DeleteMe (self) |
def | DeleteReference (self, args) |
def | FindRef (self, args) |
def | GetNumRefs (self) |
def | GetReference (self, args) |
def | NotifyChanged (self) |
def | NotifyDependents (self, args) |
def | ReplaceReference (self, args) |
def | RescaleWorldUnits (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | AddNewKey (self, args) |
def | AssignController (self, args) |
def | CanAssignController (self, args) |
def | CanCopyAnim (self) |
def | CanCopyTrack (self, args) |
def | CanDeleteSubAnim (self, args) |
def | CanMakeUnique (self) |
def | ClearAFlag (self, args) |
def | ClearAFlagEx (self, args) |
def | ClearAllAppData (self) |
def | ClearFlagBit (self, args) |
def | ClearFlagInAllAnimatables (args) |
def | CopyKeysFromTime (self, args) |
def | DeleteAppData (self, args) |
def | DeleteKeyAtTime (self, args) |
def | DeleteKeyByIndex (self, args) |
def | DeleteKeys (self, args) |
def | DeleteSubAnim (self, args) |
def | DeleteTime (self, args) |
def | DoesSupportTimeOperations (self) |
def | EditTimeRange (self, args) |
def | FreeCaches (self) |
def | GetAnimByHandle (args) |
def | GetAnimHandle (self) |
def | GetAppData (self, args) |
def | GetClassID (self) |
def | GetClassName (self) |
def | GetCustomAttributeContainer (self) |
def | GetHasSubElements |
def | GetKeyIndex (self, args) |
def | GetKeyTime (self, args) |
def | GetNextKeyTime (self, args) |
def | GetNodeName (self) |
def | GetNumKeys (self) |
def | GetNumSubAnims (self) |
def | GetParameterBlock (self) |
def | GetSubAnim (self, args) |
def | GetSubAnimName (self, args) |
def | GetSuperClassID (self) |
def | GetTimeRange (self, args) |
def | InsertTime (self, args) |
def | IsAnimated (self) |
def | IsKeyAtTime (self, args) |
def | IsSubClassOf (self, args) |
def | MoveKeys (self, args) |
def | ReverseTime (self, args) |
def | ScaleKeyValues (self, args) |
def | ScaleTime (self, args) |
def | SetAFlag (self, args) |
def | SetAFlagEx (self, args) |
def | SetAppData (self, args) |
def | SetFlagBit (self, args) |
def | SubNumToRefNum (self, args) |
def | TestAFlag (self, args) |
def | TestAFlagEx (self, args) |
def | TestFlagBit (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | GetInterface (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | GetUnwrappedPtr (self) |
Static Public Attributes | |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | NumRefs = _swig_property(GetNumRefs) |
tuple | Refs = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetReference(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumRefs()))) |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | AnimHandle = _swig_property(GetAnimHandle) |
tuple | ClassID = _swig_property(GetClassID) |
tuple | ClearFlagInAllAnimatables = staticmethod(ClearFlagInAllAnimatables) |
tuple | GetAnimByHandle = staticmethod(GetAnimByHandle) |
tuple | KeyTimes = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetKeyTime(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumKeys()))) |
tuple | NodeName = _swig_property(GetNodeName) |
tuple | NumSubAnims = _swig_property(GetNumSubAnims) |
tuple | ParameterBlock = _swig_property(GetParameterBlock) |
tuple | SubAnimNames = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetSubAnimName(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumSubAnims()))) |
tuple | SubAnims = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetSubAnim(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumSubAnims()))) |
tuple | SuperClassID = _swig_property(GetSuperClassID) |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
def ApplyUVWMap | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ApplyUVWMap(Object self, int type, float utile, float vtile, float wtile, int uflip, int vflip, int wflip, int cap, Matrix3 tm, int channel=1) ApplyUVWMap(Object self, int type, float utile, float vtile, float wtile, int uflip, int vflip, int wflip, int cap, Matrix3 tm)
def AsParticleObject | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AsParticleObject(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> ParticleObject AsParticleObject(Object self) -> ParticleObject
def AsShapeObject | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AsShapeObject(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> ShapeObject AsShapeObject(Object self) -> ShapeObject
def AsSplineShape | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AsSplineShape(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> SplineShape AsSplineShape(Object self) -> SplineShape
def AsTriObject | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AsTriObject(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> TriObject AsTriObject(Object self) -> TriObject
def BranchDeleted | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
BranchDeleted(Object self, int branchID, bool reorderChannels)
def CanCacheObject | ( | self | ) |
CanCacheObject(Object self) -> bool
def CanConvertToType | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
CanConvertToType(Object self, Class_ID obtype) -> int
def CheckObjectIntegrity | ( | self | ) |
CheckObjectIntegrity(Object self) -> bool
def CollapseObject | ( | self | ) |
CollapseObject(Object self) -> Object
def ContainedShapeSelectionArray | ( | self | ) |
ContainedShapeSelectionArray(Object self) -> BitArray
def ConvertToDerivedObject | ( | self | ) |
ConvertToDerivedObject(Object self) -> Object
def ConvertToType | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ConvertToType(Object self, Class_ID obtype, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Object ConvertToType(Object self, Class_ID obtype) -> Object
def CopyAdditionalChannels | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
CopyAdditionalChannels(Object self, Object other, bool deleteOld=True, bool bShallowCopy=False) CopyAdditionalChannels(Object self, Object other, bool deleteOld=True) CopyAdditionalChannels(Object self, Object other)
def CopyChannelLocks | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
CopyChannelLocks(Object self, Object obj, ChannelMask needChannels)
def DeleteAllAdditionalChannels | ( | self | ) |
DeleteAllAdditionalChannels(Object self)
def DoOwnSelectHilite | ( | self | ) |
DoOwnSelectHilite(Object self) -> int
def Eval | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
Eval(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> ObjectState Eval(Object self) -> ObjectState
def FindBaseObject | ( | self | ) |
FindBaseObject(Object self) -> Object
def FreeChannels | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
FreeChannels(Object self, ChannelMask channels)
def GetBranchINode | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetBranchINode(Object self, TimeValue t, INode node, int i, bool selected=True) -> INode GetBranchINode(Object self, TimeValue t, INode node, int i) -> INode
def GetChannelLocks | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetChannelLocks(Object self) -> ChannelMask GetChannelLocks(Object self, ChannelMask m) -> ChannelMask
def GetChannelValidity | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetChannelValidity(Object self, int nchan, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Interval GetChannelValidity(Object self, int nchan) -> Interval
def GetContainedShape | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetContainedShape(Object self, int index, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> ShapeObject GetContainedShape(Object self, int index) -> ShapeObject
def GetContainedShapeMatrix | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetContainedShapeMatrix(Object self, int index, Matrix3 mat, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) GetContainedShapeMatrix(Object self, int index, Matrix3 mat)
def GetDeformBBox | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetDeformBBox(Object self, Matrix3 tm, bool useSel=False, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Box3 GetDeformBBox(Object self, Matrix3 tm, bool useSel=False) -> Box3 GetDeformBBox(Object self, Matrix3 tm) -> Box3 GetDeformBBox(Object self, bool useSel=False, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Box3 GetDeformBBox(Object self, bool useSel=False) -> Box3 GetDeformBBox(Object self) -> Box3
def GetExtendedProperties | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetExtendedProperties(Object self, WStr prop1Label, WStr prop1Data, WStr prop2Label, WStr prop2Data, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> bool GetExtendedProperties(Object self, WStr prop1Label, WStr prop1Data, WStr prop2Label, WStr prop2Data) -> bool
def GetNoEvalInterval | ( | self | ) |
GetNoEvalInterval(Object self) -> Interval
def GetNumContainedShapes | ( | self | ) |
GetNumContainedShapes(Object self) -> int
def GetNumFaces | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetNumFaces(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> bool GetNumFaces(Object self) -> bool
def GetNumMapChannels | ( | self | ) |
GetNumMapChannels(Object self) -> int
def GetNumMapsUsed | ( | self | ) |
GetNumMapsUsed(Object self) -> int
def GetNumPipeBranches | ( | self, | |
selected = True |
) |
GetNumPipeBranches(Object self, bool selected=True) -> int GetNumPipeBranches(Object self) -> int
def GetNumPoints | ( | self | ) |
GetNumPoints(Object self) -> int
def GetNumSurfaces | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetNumSurfaces(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> int GetNumSurfaces(Object self) -> int
def GetNumVerts | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetNumVerts(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> bool GetNumVerts(Object self) -> bool
def GetObjectValidity | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetObjectValidity(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Interval GetObjectValidity(Object self) -> Interval
def GetPipeBranch | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetPipeBranch(Object self, int i, bool selected=True) -> Object GetPipeBranch(Object self, int i) -> Object
def GetPoint | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetPoint(Object self, int i) -> Point3
def GetSubselState | ( | self | ) |
GetSubselState(Object self) -> DWORD
def GetSurfacePoint | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetSurfacePoint(Object self, float u, float v, Interval iv=Autodesk::Max::Forever(), TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Point3 GetSurfacePoint(Object self, float u, float v, Interval iv=Autodesk::Max::Forever()) -> Point3 GetSurfacePoint(Object self, float u, float v) -> Point3 GetSurfacePoint(Object self, int surface, float u, float v, Interval iv=Autodesk::Max::Forever(), TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Point3 GetSurfacePoint(Object self, int surface, float u, float v, Interval iv=Autodesk::Max::Forever()) -> Point3 GetSurfacePoint(Object self, int surface, float u, float v) -> Point3
def GetWeight | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetWeight(Object self, int i) -> double
def GetWorldSpaceObjectNode | ( | self | ) |
GetWorldSpaceObjectNode(Object self) -> INode
def HasWeights | ( | self | ) |
HasWeights(Object self) -> bool
def InitNodeName | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
InitNodeName(Object self, WStr s)
def IntersectRay | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
IntersectRay(Object self, Ray r, float & at, Point3 norm, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> bool IntersectRay(Object self, Ray r, float & at, Point3 norm) -> bool
def InvalidateChannels | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
InvalidateChannels(Object self, ChannelMask channels)
def IsBaseClassOwnedChannel | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
IsBaseClassOwnedChannel(Object self, int nchan) -> bool
def IsDeformable | ( | self | ) |
IsDeformable(Object self) -> int
def IsManipulator | ( | self | ) |
IsManipulator(Object self) -> bool
def IsMappable | ( | self | ) |
IsMappable(Object self) -> int
def IsObjectLocked | ( | self | ) |
IsObjectLocked(Object self) -> int
def IsParamSurface | ( | self | ) |
IsParamSurface(Object self) -> bool
def IsParticleSystem | ( | self | ) |
IsParticleSystem(Object self) -> bool
def IsPointSelected | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
IsPointSelected(Object self, int i) -> bool
def IsRenderable | ( | self | ) |
IsRenderable(Object self) -> int
def IsShapeObject | ( | self | ) |
IsShapeObject(Object self) -> bool
def IsWorldSpaceObject | ( | self | ) |
IsWorldSpaceObject(Object self) -> bool
def LockChannels | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
LockChannels(Object self, ChannelMask channels)
def LockObject | ( | self | ) |
LockObject(Object self)
def MakeShallowCopy | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
MakeShallowCopy(Object self, ChannelMask channels) -> Object
def MergeAdditionalChannels | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
MergeAdditionalChannels(Object self, Object other, int branchID)
def NewAndCopyChannels | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
NewAndCopyChannels(Object self, ChannelMask channels)
def NormalAlignVector | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
NormalAlignVector(Object self, Point3 pt, Point3 norm, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> bool NormalAlignVector(Object self, Point3 pt, Point3 norm) -> bool
def PointSelection | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
PointSelection(Object self, int i) -> float
def PointsWereChanged | ( | self | ) |
PointsWereChanged(Object self)
def PreferredCollapseType | ( | self | ) |
PreferredCollapseType(Object self) -> Class_ID
def ReadyChannelsForMod | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ReadyChannelsForMod(Object self, ChannelMask channels)
def ReduceCaches | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ReduceCaches(Object self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) ReduceCaches(Object self)
def SetChannelLocks | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetChannelLocks(Object self, ChannelMask channels)
def SetChannelValidity | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetChannelValidity(Object self, int nchan, Interval v=Autodesk::Max::Forever()) SetChannelValidity(Object self, int nchan)
def SetNoEvalInterval | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetNoEvalInterval(Object self, Interval iv)
def SetPoint | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetPoint(Object self, int i, Point3 p)
def SetSubSelState | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetSubSelState(Object self, DWORD s)
def SetWeight | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetWeight(Object self, int i, double const w)
def ShallowCopy | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ShallowCopy(Object self, Object fromOb, ChannelMask channels)
def SurfaceClosedU | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SurfaceClosedU(Object self, int surface, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> bool SurfaceClosedU(Object self, int surface) -> bool
def SurfaceClosedV | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SurfaceClosedV(Object self, int surface, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> bool SurfaceClosedV(Object self, int surface) -> bool
def TopologyChanged | ( | self | ) |
TopologyChanged(Object self)
def UnlockChannels | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
UnlockChannels(Object self, ChannelMask channels)
def UnlockObject | ( | self | ) |
UnlockObject(Object self)
def UpdateValidity | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
UpdateValidity(Object self, int nchan, Interval v)
def UseSelectionBrackets | ( | self | ) |
UseSelectionBrackets(Object self) -> bool
def UsesWireColor | ( | self | ) |
UsesWireColor(Object self) -> int
def WSStateInvalidate | ( | self | ) |
WSStateInvalidate(Object self)