Start a batch print job to print selected drawings in the order you specify.
Before creating a batch print job, be sure that you have set up the printer and prepared the Revit project.
The Batch Print dialog displays a list of views, sheets, and view/sheet sets defined in the Revit project. (If the project is large, it may take a moment for Batch Print to retrieve this information.)
The dialog also displays the name of the default printer, which it will use to print the selected drawings. If you need to change the default printer before starting the print job, see Set Up the Printer. (You can do this without exiting Batch Print.) After you change the default printer, the Batch Print for Autodesk Revit dialog updates with the new default printer name.
Batch Print displays a warning, recommending that you exit the current Revit session and save the project.
Batch Print starts the print job, and the Batch Print dialog closes. The Revit Batch Print Status dialog opens to show the progress of the print job. See Monitoring a Batch Print Job.
Batch Print starts another instance of Revit in the background to perform and control the printing process. It is recommended that you close the current instance of Revit to maximize available system resources (such as virtual memory) for the batch print job.